


ca_enabled is 1,this parameter must be configured.client_ca_enabled-(Optional)The client ca enabled.client_cert_revocation_list-(Optional)This parameter is only supported by the RDS PostgreSQL cloud disk version,which ...


This data source provides the Hbr Ots Snapshots of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.164.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_hbr_ots_snapshots""snapshots"{ } Argument Reference The following ...


诊断 403 CertHasExisted This certificate has already been uploaded.Do not upload it again.-诊断 403 CertHasExpired The certificate has expired.Do not continue using this certificate.-诊断 403 CertKeyServerError The ...


Computed)This parameter is only supported by the RDS PostgreSQL cloud disk version.It indicates the content of the server certificate.If the CAType value is custom,this parameter must be configured.server_key-(Optional,...


诊断 403 Forbidden.AccountInDebt The specified Account is in debt.%s 诊断 403 Forbidden.AccountNotFound The specified Account does not exist.%s 诊断 403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Alibaba Cloud ...


This account has a payer account.Please release the financial relationship of this account first.DeletionType string 删除类型。取值:0:直接删除。如果成员最近 30 天内不存在后付费资源,则系统会直接删除该成员。1:静默期删除...


This data source provides the Wafv3 Domains of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available since v1.200.0.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_wafv3_instances""default"{ } data"alicloud_wafv3_domains""ids"{ instance...


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbidden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


组件生命周期示意图如下:生命周期函数具体信息见下表:生命周期 参数 说明 最低版本 onInit 无 组件创建时触发 1.14.0 deriveDataFromProps nextProps 组件创建时更新前触发 1.14.0 didMount 无 组件创建完毕时触发-didUpdate(prevProps...


说明 如果您需要对用户请求中携带了User-Agent请求头,但是值为空的情况做访问控制,您可以使用参数 this-is-empty-ua 来表示User-Agent值为空。白名单下:规则中包含 this-is-empty-ua,表示如果用户请求中携带了User-Agent请求头,但是值...


total):This is a COUNTER which measures the size of total bytes received during request in case of a TCP connection.Tcp Connections Opened(istio_tcp_connections_opened_total):This is a COUNTER incremented for every opened ...


total):This is a COUNTER which measures the size of total bytes received during request in case of a TCP connection.Tcp Connections Opened(istio_tcp_connections_opened_total):This is a COUNTER incremented for every opened ...


This data source provides a list of MNS queues in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the specified parameters.->DEPRECATED:This datasource has been deprecated from version 1.188.0.Please use new datasource message_...


tabItem 前触发 },} })Page.prototype.setData(data:Object,callback:Function)setData 会将数据从逻辑层发送到视图层,同时改变对应 的值。参数说明:事件 类型 描述 最低版本 data Object 待改变的数据 callback Function 回...


Provides a RAM User resource.For information about RAM User and how to use it,see What is User.->NOTE:When you want to destroy this resource forcefully(means release all the relationships associated with it automatically ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


{"PREFIX":"start-with-this","NOT-PREFIX":"not-start-with-this","IN":["ONE","OF","THIS"],"NOT-IN":["NONE","FROM","THOSE"]} ExternalId string 否 外部 ID,用于您的应用层的 ID(如果有)进行绑定。查询类型为精确匹配。...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...

通过DMS登录MySQL提示“Host'...this MySQL server”错误

问题描述 通过DMS数据管理以指定数据库用户名登录数据库时,出现“null,message from server:Host‘’is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server”报错。问题原因 数据库的mysql.user表中设置指定用户只能从本机登录...


This account has a payer account.Please release the financial relationship of this account first.DeletionType string 删除类型。取值:0:直接删除。如果成员最近 30 天内不存在后付费资源,则系统会直接删除该成员。1:静默期删除...


This data source provides the RDS instance classes resource available info of Alibaba Cloud.->NOTE:Available in v1.46.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_db_instance_classes""resources"{ instance_charge_type="PostPaid"engine=...


storage in the template value.instance_storage-(Required)The storage capacity of the destination instance.Valid values:5 to 2000.Unit:GB.This value must be a multiple of 5 GB.For more information,see Primary ApsaraDB RDS ...


400 Favorite.NotCancel.Permission You have not added this work to favorites.你没有此收藏作品,请检查。400 Internal.System.Error An internal system error occurred.系统内部异常。400 Report.NotExist.Error This work does not ...


This data source provides details of the Rds specifications of current Alibaba Cloud users.For information on RDS class details and how to use it,please refer to What is RDS class details.->NOTE:Available since v1.209.0+...

WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this ...

问题描述 Quick BI登录提示“The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement”,表现形式如下:问题原因 提供给Quick BI使用的元仓数据源由于磁盘配额不足导致的禁止写入故障。...


Reverse.Only when the property sync_architecture of the alicloud_dts_synchronization_instance was bidirectional this parameter should be passed,otherwise this parameter should not be specified.instance_class-(Optional)The ...


403 OperationDenied.EndTimeTypeNotSupported The specified private pool does not support this operation.-403 OperationDenied.StartTimeNotSupported The specified private pool does not support this operation.-403 ...


400 Report.NotExist.Error This work does not exist.It may have been deleted.Work ID is%s.作品不存在,可能已经被删除。作品ID:%s。400 Workspace.Not.Exist The group workspace does not exist.群空间不存在。400 Workspace.Status....


Provides a RAM Role resource.->NOTE:When you want to destroy this resource forcefully(means remove all the relationships associated with it automatically and then destroy it)without set force with true at beginning,you ...


Provides a RAM Group resource.->NOTE:When you want to destroy this resource forcefully(means remove all the relationships associated with it automatically and then destroy it)without set force with true at beginning,you ...


ForceNew)The domain name of the website that you want to add to the instance.instance_ids-(Required,Set)A list of instance ID that you want to associate.If this parameter is empty,only the domain name of the website is ...


This data source provides Container Service cluster credential on Alibaba Cloud.->NOTE:Available since v1.187.0->NOTE:This datasource can be used on all kinds of ACK clusters,including managed clusters,imported kubernetes ...


mm:ssZ format.The time is displayed in UTC.This parameter is not supported now.last_modify_status-(Available in 1.124.1+)The status of the SSL link.This parameter is supported only when the instance runs PostgreSQL with ...


诊断 429 Throttling.Api The request for this resource has exceeded your available limit.对该资源的请求已超过您的可用上限。诊断 429 Throttling.System The DataWorks system is busy.Try again later.DataWorks系统繁忙,请稍后再...
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