

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 产品服务协议-V1.4

Party A shall be entitled to the discounts or other concessions(if any)set forth in this Agreement and the Appendices hereto only under the Alibaba Cloud Account,and no other Alibaba Cloud accounts of Party A(i.e.,Party A ...

定制Android App的OA UI

openAccountUIService.showEmailResetPassword(this,this.getEmailResetPasswordCallback());更多UI定制参考 如果您还需定制更多的UI,例如修改更多原生元素,您可以根据以下内容来自行实现。修改更多组件的样式 账号及用户SDK开放了所有...

打开用户反馈显示错误信息:Failed to load this page

问题详述 打开用户反馈显示错误信息:Failed to load this page 问题分析 SDK 版本过老,阿里百川的V1.0版本已停止维护。解决方法 关于”Failed to load this page“这个问题是因为使用的「用户反馈」版本较老,百川老版本已经 Deprecated...


400 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API does not support RAM.子账号权限不足,请先获取授权。400 InvalidDBName The specified database name is not allowed.数据库名称不符合要求,请...

访问网站出现“You don't have ...this server”报错

问题描述 使用云虚拟主机搭建并访问网站时,出现“You don't have permission to access xxxx on this server”403 Forbidden报错。具体报错如下所示。问题原因 默认首页文件设置错误。程序中引用路径的大小写真实路径的大小写不一致。...


AUNoticeDialog(原 APNoticePopDialog)提供一个带标题、正文、确认取消按钮的对话框,支持常用的业务消息显示。效果图 AUNoticeDialog dialog=new AUNoticeDialog(this,"标题单行","描述文字的字数尽量控制在三行内,并且单行最右侧...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 数据处理附录

二、定义 在本附录中:2.1“数据保护法律”:主要是指本协议生效前生效后中国不时颁布生效的个人信息保护、数据合规相关的法律法规,包括但不限于《网络安全法》《消费者权益保护法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》(仅为本协议之...


400 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API does not support RAM.子账号权限不足,请先获取授权。400 InvalidDBName The specified database name is not allowed.数据库名称不符合要求,请...


400 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API does not support RAM.子账号权限不足,请先获取授权。400 InvalidDBName The specified database name is not allowed.数据库名称不符合要求,请...


启动流日志。...403 FeatureNotSupportForStandBySmartAG The current edition of the standby smart access gateway does not support this feature.备智能接入网关的当前版本不支持该功能特性。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。

Quick BI使用展示链接跳转报“This site can not be ...

问题描述 Quick BI使用展示链接跳转报错:This site can not be reached。问题原因 用户的填写链接地址为本地链接,所以报错。解决方案 此处的链接应填写为公网可以访问的URL。适用于 Quick BI


400 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API does not support RAM.子账号权限不足,请先获取授权。400 InvalidDBName The specified database name is not allowed.数据库名称不符合要求,请...


诊断 403 FeatureNotSupportForActiveSmartAG The current edition of the active smart access gateway does not support this feature.主智能接入网关的当前版本不支持该功能特性。诊断 403 FeatureNotSupportForStandBySmartAG The ...


400 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API does not support RAM.子账号权限不足,请先获取授权。400 InvalidDBName The specified database name is not allowed.数据库名称不符合要求,请...


绑定智能接入网关实例。...403 FeatureNotSupportForStandBySmartAG The current edition of the standby smart access gateway does not support this feature.备智能接入网关的当前版本不支持该功能特性。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。




999th Percentile.This is computed over the past hour hue_requests_response_time_999_percentile 99%的请求响应时间。单位:秒。15-Minute Rate hue_requests_response_time_15m_rate 最近15分钟请求响应速率。99th Percentile.This is...


403 FeatureNotSupportForActiveSmartAG The current edition of the active smart access gateway does not support this feature.主智能接入网关的当前版本不支持该功能特性。403 FeatureNotSupportForStandBySmartAG The current ...

数据管理DMS中添加自建...this MySQL server”的错误

null,message from server:"Host 'x.x.x.x' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server"问题原因 数据管理DMS的IP地址不在自建MySQL数据库的授权用户表中。解决方案 说明 如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例的...


下文介绍组件开发过程测试效果。前提条件 已完成环境安装项目文件初始化。详细内容请参见 准备环境。步骤一:开发属性文件specs 组件能力描述内容,主要集中在项目文件的 src/specs/specs.js 文件中,用于开发组件的属性、服务事件...

上传或下载OSS文件时提示“OSS ...this bucket”错误

问题描述 在使用阿里云对象存储OSS过程中,上传或下载OSS文件时,提示“OSS Transfer Acceleration is not configured on this bucket”错误。问题原因 发生报错的原因如下:您目前使用的Bucket没有配置传输加速,而使用了Bucket的传输加速...

MySQL远程登录时...this MySQL serverConnection”错误

Host '18*.*.*.*' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverConnection 问题原因 登录MySQL服务时使用的用户未被允许通过报错信息中的IP地址登录。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例...


由于实例类型不允许该操作,只读实例允许克隆备份实例 诊断 400 InvalidKey.Malformed Specified key is not valid.key验证失败 诊断 400 SignatureNonceUsed Specified signature nonce was used already.指定的签名已被使用。诊断 400 ...


由于实例类型不允许该操作,只读实例允许克隆备份实例 诊断 400 InvalidKey.Malformed Specified key is not valid.key验证失败 诊断 400 SignatureNonceUsed Specified signature nonce was used already.指定的签名已被使用。诊断 400 ...


命令的详细格式taint类似为:terraform untaint<资源类型>.<资源名称>,如:$terraform untaint alicloud_vswitch.this Resource instance alicloud_vswitch.this has been successfully untainted.terraform output:打印出参及其值 ...


datePicker.setOnDatePickListener(new AUDatePicker.OnYearMonthDayPickListener(){@Override public void onDatePicked(String year,String month,String day){ Toast.makeText(DatePickActivity.this,year+"-"+month+"-"+day,Toast....


诊断 403 DomainInProtectedMode This domain is in the protected mode.if you want to do this operation,please contact us!诊断 400 InvalidDomain.Configure_failed Failed to configure the provided domain.域名配置失败。诊断 400 ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


诊断 403 InvalidParameter.QuotaPathDepthExceed The maximum number of Path depth for this operation is 8.支持配置配额的最大目录深度为8 诊断 400 InvalidParameter.ResourceType The ResourceType is invalid.ResourceType参数非法 ...


诊断 403 InvalidParameter.QuotaPathDepthExceed The maximum number of Path depth for this operation is 8.支持配置配额的最大目录深度为8 诊断 400 InvalidParameter.ResourceType The ResourceType is invalid.ResourceType参数非法 ...


如果同时接入系统升级应用升级的话,只需做1次即可。必需设置 FotaContext.getInstance().initContext(this);FotaContext.getInstance().setFirmwareVersion(this,SystemProperties.get(""));FotaContext....

基于MaxCompute UDF将IPv4或IPv6地址转换为归属地

步骤一:上传IP地址库文件 下载 IP地址库文件 至本地,解压得到ipv4.txtipv6.txt,并放置于MaxCompute客户端的安装目录.\odpscmd_public\bin 下。本文提供的IP地址库文件,仅供验证该最佳实践使用,请您结合实际业务情况,自行维护IP地址...


接受/拒绝当前修订 上一个的区别是,不会自动移动到下一个修订片段上。用户可以通过菜单、快捷键Ctrl+Shift+F9(接受当前修订)、Alt+Shift+F9(拒绝当前修订),右键菜单进行操作。接受/拒绝当前译文的修订 工作台允许译员接受/拒绝当前...


Tag of this image.image_id-Id of this image.digest-Digest of this image.status-Status of this image.image_size-Status of this image,in bytes.image_update-Last update time of this image,unix time in nanoseconds.image_create...


原 clientId 为:clientId:`${this.clientId}|securemode=${this.securemode },signmethod=hmac${this.signAlgorithm},timestamp=${this.timestamp},${extra}`,添加 ext=1 后,clientId 为:clientId:`${this.clientId}|securemode=${this....


id-Id of this image.digest-Digest of this image.status-Status of this image.image_size-Status of this image,in bytes.image_update-Last update time of this image,unix time in nanoseconds.image_create-Create time of this ...


1 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Success":true,"RequestId":"7AAB95D7-2E11-4FE2-94BC-858E4FC0C976","Result":{"Failure":2,"FailureDetail":{"2046274934845893":"AE0150010001:This user already exists.","1213444447906552":"AE...


400 User.Not.WorkspaceAdmin Only administrators of the group workspace can perform this operation.没有权限,您不是该群空间的管理员。400 ApiUser.Not.Exists The specified user does not exist.用户不存在。400 Viewer.AddInTo....
< 1 2 3 4 ... 171 >
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