


命令格式MaxCompute提供以下两种case when格式:case value when value 1 then result 1[when value 2 then result 2 when valuen then resultn][else resultm]end case when(_condition 1)then...

Quick BI字段修改中无法使用case when表达式

问题描述Quick BI数据集中,对字段修改时,无法使用case when表达式。问题原因编辑字段中无法使用case when表达式对字段进行计算,表达式要用在新建计算字段中。解决方案1....

Dataphin代码任务报错:"Fatal error occurred when node tried to...

问题描述Dataphin代码任务运行报错:"Fatal error occurred when node tried to create too many dynamic partitions。2021-11-11 11:13:12,999 INFO[IPC Server handler 24 on 64040]org.apache....

Dataphin集成任务报错“Application was streaming results when the...

问题描述本文主要描述了Dataphin集成任务报错“Application was streaming results when the connection failed.Consider raising value of'net_write_timeout' on the server.”...

逻辑表提交失败报错:“Not found physical table meta when renaming...

问题描述Dataphin事实逻辑表提交失败报错:Not found physical table meta when renaming table null问题原因用户手工drop了事实逻辑表对应的物化表,导致提交报错。解决方案下线...

Windows系统的云虚拟主机提示“An error occurred on the server when...

An error occurred on the server when processing the URL问题原因云虚拟主机默认设置了不显示完整的报错信息。解决方案阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险...

使用RDS MySQL实例时提示“Out of resources when opening file'./xxx...

Out of resources when opening file'./xxx.MYD'(Errcode:24)问题原因RDS MySQL实例中打开的文件数超出了open_files_limit参数的限制。解决方案在RDS管理控制台的参数设置中扩大...

使用RDS MySQL实例时提示“Out of resources when opening file'./xxx...

Out of resources when opening file'./xxx.MYD'(Errcode:24)问题原因RDS MySQL实例中打开的文件数超出了open_files_limit参数的限制。解决方案在RDS管理控制台的参数设置中扩大...

集成任务时报错:“ERROR CommonRdbmsReader$Task-error occurred when...

问题描述在Dataphin的从SQL Server往MaxCompute管道集成任务,设置的两边表结构完全相同,也没有什么筛选条件,但是报错:ERROR CommonRdbmsReader$Task-error occurred when...

提示“The Specified...when choose cloud storage type”错误

问题描述阿里云云数据库RDS MySQL在创建异地灾备实例时,提示以下错误:The Specified InstanceNetworkType value Classic is not valid when choose cloud storage type.系统显示类似...


(left,right)-CASE WHEN left right THEN-1 L WHEN left=right THEN 0 L ELSE 1 L END:假如设置a=NULL,b=1,则compare(a,b)=1,compare(b,a)=1,两个比较结果相互矛盾即函数不自洽。...


表达式语法说明支持SQL支持SPL CASE WHEN表达式CASE WHEN condition 1 THEN result 1[WHEN condition 2 THEN result 2][ELSE result 3]END通过条件判断,对数据进行归类。IF表达式IF...


1982-12-30 00:00:00|1300.0|NULL|10|+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+CASE WHEN表达式命令格式MaxCompute提供以下两种case when格式:case value when value 1 then result 1 when value 2 then result 2.else...


​支持版本=Ha 3 3.7.5​语法格式​CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN expression_1 WHEN condition_2 THEN expression_2……ELSE expression_n END示例case when作为输出表达式SELECT CASE WHEN...


​支持版本=Ha 3 3.7.5​语法格式​CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN expression_1 WHEN condition_2 THEN expression_2……ELSE expression_n END示例case when作为输出表达式SELECT CASE WHEN...


jysp_dm,case t 1.jysp when'0'then'研究生'when'1'then'本科'when'2'then'高中'when'3'then'职业高中'when'4'then'职业学院'end as c_jysp_mc,t 1.career,case...


config-file option to the file when you use other commands):建议直接回车使用默认配置,默认值为/root/.ossutilconfig。根据提示分别设置AccessKey ID、AccessKey Secret、Endpoint等信息...


system_type is standard)standard(Available in v 1.140.0+and when the file_system_type is extreme)advance(Available in v 1.140.0+and when the file_system_type is extreme)advance_100(Available...


例如,CASE WHEN[成交金额]5000 AND[成交笔数]40 THEN'VVIP'WHEN[成交金额]1000 AND[成交笔数]5 THEN'VIP'ELSE'普通'END字符拼接假设数据表中分别有省份、城市2个字段,您...


select case when total_amount 1 then'bill_0_1'when total_amount 10 then'bill_1_10'when total_amount 20 then'bill_10_20'when total_amount 30 then'bill_20_30'when total_amount...


列出当前数据库下所有表、外表和视图SELECT n.nspname AS"Schema",c.relname AS"Name",CASE c.relkind WHEN'r'THEN'table'WHEN'v'THEN'view'WHEN'm'THEN'materialized view...


timeout-Connection timeout in seconds for the Layer 4 TCP listener.Only available when the protocol is tcp.sticky_session-Indicate whether session persistence is enabled or not.If enabled,...


v_dname:=CASE WHEN v_deptno=10 THEN'Accounting'WHEN v_deptno=20 THEN'Research'WHEN v_deptno=30 THEN'Sales'WHEN v_deptno=40 THEN'Operations'ELSE'unknown'END;DBMS_OUTPUT....


',Xact_Elapse:'|case when(now()-xact_start)is null then'NULL'else(now()-xact_start):text end|chr(10)|'-'|chr(10),(case when granted then'0'else'1'end)order by(case mode when'...


standard-When FileSystemType is standard.Valid values:Performance and Capacity.extreme-When FileSystemType is extreme.Valid values:Standard and Advance.cpfs-When FileSystemType is cpfs.Valid...


type is Subscription.log-(Optional,Computed)Instance Audit Log Switch.The attribute is valid when the attribute payment_type is Subscription.log_storage-(Optional,Computed)Instance log...


you must also specify this parameter.It is valid only when ssl_enabled=1.client_ca_enabled-(Optional,Available since v 1.124.4)Specifies whether to enable the public key of the CA that...


select col 01,col 02 from table_name choose when test='var=1'order by col 01/when when test='var=2'order by col 02/when when test='var=3'order by col 01,col 02/when when test='var=...


path-(Optional)The file path.When the value of the Type attribute is 4 or 6,7,the FilePath field is required.hash-(Optional)Process hash list.When the value of the Type attribute is 1,the...


下单人数或浏览人数SELECT CASE WHEN behavior_type='1'THEN'商品页浏览'WHEN behavior_type='2'THEN'商品收藏'WHEN behavior_type='3'THEN'加入购物车'WHEN behavior_...


[]When RepeatType is Weekly,RepeatDays cannot be empty.For example:["0","6"].When the RepeatType is set to Weekly,RepeatDays cannot be repeated.RepeatDays cannot be empty when RepeatType is...


字段表达式示例:case when'$val{指标}'='订单金额'then[订单金额]when'$val{指标}'='利润金额'then[利润金额]when'$val{指标}'='单价'then[单价]when'$val{指标}'='...


(Optional,ForceNew)The validity period of the reserved instance.Default value:1.NOTE:From version 1.183.0,period can be set to 5,when period_unit is Year.When period_unit is Year,Valid...


SELECT n.nspname AS"Schema",c.relname AS"Name",CASE c.relkind WHEN'r'THEN'table'WHEN'v'THEN'view'WHEN'm'THEN'materialized view'WHEN'i'THEN'index'WHEN'S'...


4.9 5.15 5.19 5.20 When you convert data formats or migrate data,make sure that the value and definition of the data do not change.When an operator inputs core data,such as the weight and...


CASE selector-expression WHEN match-expression THEN statements[WHEN match-expression THEN statements[WHEN match-expression THEN statements].][ELSE statements]END CASE;selector-expression...

Quick BI中如何计算某个度量值不同范围的记录总数

解决方案解决方案1:数据集中用case when语句添加计算字段,计算不同度量范围的记录总数。然后交叉表直接展示计算字段即可。SUM(CASE WHEN[florist_num]=0 and[florist_num]=100...


select age,(case sex when'male'then 1 else 0 end)as sex,(case cp when'angina'then 0 when'notang'then 1 else 2 end)as cp,trestbps,chol,(case fbs when'true'then 1 else 0 end)as...


select date_format(from_unixtime(_time_-_time_%60),'%H:%i')as minute,case when request_method='GET'and COUNT(1)9000 then 3 when request_method='GET'and COUNT(1)8500 then 2 when...


source ON join_condition when_clause[.]where data_source is{source_table_name|(source_query)}[[AS]source_alias]and when_clause is{WHEN MATCHED[AND condition]THEN{merge_update|merge_...
< 1 2 3 4 ... 55 >
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