


Provides a Web Application Firewall(WAF)Protection Module resource.For information about Web Application Firewall(WAF)Protection Module and how to use it,see What is Protection Module.->NOTE:Available in v1.141.0+.Example ...


The instance cannot delete because of deletion protection 具体报错如下图所示。问题原因 相关EIP设置过实例删除保护,导致解绑之后,无法释放该EIP。解决方案 可以通过API的DeletionProtection接口取消对实例的删除保护,然后再进行...

Dataphin同步数据到 layer between client ...

问题描述 Dataphin同步数据到Hbase数据源报错“no common protection layer between client and server”。问题原因 该异常由服务端与客户端配置项hbase.rpc.protection不一致导致。解决方案 Hbase数据源需要上传core-site.xml 文件,并且...


protection_config The deletion_protection_config supports the following:enabled-(Optional)Delete protection enable.reason-(Optional)Reason for opening.modification_protection_config The modification_protection_config ...


防护组中防护对象不能同时绑定和解绑 诊断 400 Defense.Control.DefenseResourceTemplateIdInvalid When querying the protection objects or protection groups that can be bound in the protection policy,the protection policy ID is ...


scene-The type of protection policy.domain_count-The number of domain names that use this protection policy.gmt_modified-The time when the protection policy was ID of the Waf Policy.policy_name-The name of ...


ForceNew)Protection mode.Value:block:Intercept-audit:Alarm dir-(Required,ForceNew)Specify the protection directory.exclusive_dir-(ForceNew,Optional)Specify a directory address that does not require Web tamper protection(I....


(Required)The status of the protection rule template.Valid values:0:disabled.1:enabled.template_origin-(Required,ForceNew)The origin of the protection rule template that you want to create.Set the value to custom.The value...


waf_rules-A list of Waf Rule Entries.Each element contains the following attributes:defense_scene-The type of protection policy.The following scenarios are supported:waf_group:Web basic protection-custom_acl:Custom ...


creator_has_grant_permission-(Optional)Does the project creator have authorization rights.project_protection-(Optional)Project protection.See project_protection below.using_acl-(Optional)Whether to turn on ACL.using_policy...


while the actual parameter on api is PostPay.modification_protection_config The modification_protection_config supports the following:reason-(Optional,Computed)Managed Instance.status-(Optional,Computed)Load Balancing ...


slb.s1.small,slb.s2.small,slb.s2.medium.modification_protection_reason-(Optional)The reason of modification protection.It's effective when modification_protection_status is ConsoleProtection.modification_protection_status-...


示例 YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:AdditionalProtectionNodes:Default:0 Description:en:'Each protection cluster has at least two protection nodes,and each node provides the protection ...


ForceNew)The id of resource group which the SLB belongs.modification_protection_reason-(Optional)The reason of modification protection.It's effective when modification_protection_status is ConsoleProtection.modification_...


protection_config-Remove the Protection Configuration.enabled-Remove the Protection Status.enabled_time-Deletion Protection Turn-on Time Use Greenwich Mean Time,in the Format of Yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:SSZ.dns_name-DNS Domain ...


The type of servers.weight-The weight of servers.bandwidth-The bandwidth of the SLB.create_time_stamp-The create time stamp of the SLB.delete_protection-Whether the SLB should delete protection.end_time-The end time of the...


The ticket number in parentheses is the number of the user to apply for permission.proxy_access_id-Security Protection authorization ID.After the target user is authorized by the security protection agent,the system ...


Protection policy type.defense_scene-The type of protection policy.policy_id-The protection policy ID.domain_name-The accelerated domain name.client_ip_tag-The client ip ID of the Waf Domain.


[1,5000]for International-Site account.See Account Guide details.bandwidth_package_name-(Optional,Available since v1.120.0)The name of the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.deletion_protection-(Optional,Available since v1...


en:'The burstable protection bandwidth.Unit:Gbit/s.The burstable protection bandwidth must be greater than or equal to the basic protection bandwidth.The value of Bandwidth varies based on the value of BaseBandwidth.' ...


example"} resource"alicloud_eip_address""default"{ isp="BGP" netmode="public"bandwidth="1"security_protection_types=["AntiDDoS_Enhanced"]payment_type="PayAsYouGo"} Deleting ...


waf_group:Web basic protection-custom_acl:Custom protection policy-whitelist:whitelist gmt_modified-Revised the time.The date format is based on ISO8601 notation and uses UTC+0 time in the format of yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ....


defense_scene-(Required,ForceNew)The type of protection policy.Valid values:waf_group,custom_acl,whitelist,ip_blacklist,region_block.policy_name-(Required)The name of the protection policy.The name must be 1 to 64 ...


Software Protection异常导致激活失败 网络异常导致激活失败 服务器时钟不同步导致激活失败 磁盘空间满了导致激活失败 激活码不正确导致激活失败 Software Protection异常导致激活失败 问题现象 使用 slmgr-ato 命令对Windows系统进行激活...


Available in v1.124.4+)Whether enable the deletion protection or not.Default value:false.true:Enable deletion protection.false:Disable deletion protection.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 数据处理附录

including without limitation the Cyber Security Law,the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests,the Data Security Law and the Personal Information Protection Law(for the avoidance of doubt,excluding the laws of ...


the system automatically generates a security protection authorization ID,which is globally unique.user_name-User nickname.user_uid-User UID.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:...


但是可能因为以下原因导致激活失败:Software Protection异常导致激活失败 网络异常导致激活失败 服务器时钟不同步导致激活失败 磁盘空间满了导致激活失败 激活码不正确导致激活失败 Software Protection异常导致激活失败 问题现象 使用 ...


示例 YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:DNSSecurity:AllowedValues:'no'-basic-advanced Description:en:'The DNS security policy.Valid values:no:No protection against DNS attacks is provided.-basic:...


specify the security protection type of the source storage.Value:NONE(default):Indicates that the source storage does not need to be accessed through security protection.SSL:Protects access through SSL certificates.source_...


应用防护RASP(Runtime Application Self-Protection)和 Web 应用防火墙 WAF(Web Application Firewall)是用来保护应用程序安全的两种不同技术,两者的区别如下:项目 应用防护RASP WAF 侧重点 应用程序自身的安全,无视流量来源。...

Alibaba Cloud Linux 2系统的ECS实例挂载Overlayfs时...

workdir is in-use by another mount,mount with '-o index=off' to override exclusive workdir protection.kernel-4.19.67-16.al7及之后的版本 overlayfs:lowerdir is in-use as upperdir/workdir of another mount,mount with '-o index...


gateway_id-The ID of nat gateway used to launch kubernetes cluster.deletion_protection-Whether the cluster support delete protection.connections-Map of serverless cluster connection information.It contains several ...


backup_policy_name-(Required)Protection of the Name of the Policy.policy-(Required)The Specified Protection Policies of the Specific Configuration.see how to use it.policy_version-(Required,ForceNew)Anti-Blackmail Policy ...


protection-(Optional,ForceNew)Whether enable the deletion protection or not.true:Enable deletion protection.false:Disable deletion protection.enable_rrsa-(Optional,Available since v1.171.0)Whether to enable cluster to ...


id-The ID of the Ip.The value formats as<instance_id>:<ip>.instance_id-The ID of the native protection enterprise instance to be operated.ip-The IP address.product-The type of cloud asset to which the IP address belongs....


DEPRECATED:This datasource has been deprecated from version 1.126....group_id-The Id of resource group which the eips belongs.deletion_protection-(Optional,Available in v1.124.4+)Whether enable the deletion protection or not.


Protection Boolean 是 true 开启或者关闭删除保护,取值:true:开启删除保护,开启后不能直接释放该实例,需要关闭删除保护后重新释放。false:关闭删除保护。返回数据 名称 类型 示例值 描述 RequestId String 24C80BD8-C710-4138-893A-...


en:'The period unit of the instance.Valid values:Month:Month.Year:Year.' Required:false Type:String ProtectionMode:Description:en:'The mode of the protection.Valid values:unlimited:The Unlimited protection mode is intended...
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