


key_name="code"} } statistics { function="count"alias="level_count"sls_key_name="name"parameter_one="200"parameter_two="299"} group_by { alias="code"sls_key_name="ApiResult"} express { express="success_count"alias=...


原始日志 one_speed:9 two_speed:2 time:3 加工规则 e_set("a",op_round(op_div_true(op_sub(v("one_speed"),v("two_speed")),v("time")),2))加工结果 a:2.33 one_speed:9 time:3 two_speed:2 op_pow 对值进行幂值计算操作。函数格式 op_...


Required":false },"ScheduleExpression":{"Type":"String","Description":{"en":"The schedule expression.The interval between two schedules must be a minimum of 30 minutes."},"Required":true },"ScheduleType":{"Type":"String",...


the health check fails.Only available when the protocol is http or https . health_check_interval - Time interval between two consecutive health checks.health_check_...


name-(Required,ForcesNew)Two queues on a single account in the same region cannot have the same name.A queue name must start with an English letter or a digit,and can contain English letters,digits,and hyphens,with the ...

Telnet 指令

SOFAArk 容器提供了一个简单的 telnet 服务端小工具,用于运行时查看容器状态,目前支持查看 Plugin 和 Biz 相关信息。...例如:sofa-ark>biz-m mvc-two:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT BizName:mvc-two Version:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT Priority:100 MainClass:...


(Optional,Available in v1.97.0+)Two instances on a single account in the same region cannot have the same name.The length must be 3 to 64 characters.Chinese characters,English letters digits and hyphen are allowed.remark-...


两阶段提交协议 两阶段提交协议(Two-Phase Commit protocol,2PC)是分布式事务的处理协议。XID XID,即 GTS 分布式事务的全局事务 ID,GTS 服务会为每一个分布式事务生成一个全局唯一的分布式事务 ID。由于其全局唯一性,我们可以通过 ...


You can set this parameter to Reverse to delete the reverse synchronization task only if the topology is two-way synchronization.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The key of the resource ...


name after version 1.98.0.group_name-(Optional)Name of the group.Two groups on a single instance cannot have the same name.A group_name starts with"GID_"or"GID-",and contains letters,numbers,hyphens(-),and underscores(_)....


(Required,ForceNew)Two topics subscription on a single account in the same topic cannot have the same name.A topic subscription name must start with an English letter or a digit,and can contain English letters,digits,and ...


numbers,and dashes(-).It cannot start or end with a dash and cannot have two consecutive dashes.Need to be globally unique,and capitalization is not supported.Cannot start with d-.mfa_authentication_status-(Optional)The ...


ForceNew)The log store name to the query index belongs.input_type-(Required)The input type.Currently only two types of files and plugin are supported.log_sample-(Optional)The log sample of the Logtail configuration.The log...


ForceNew)The ID of the network-based SLB instance.zone_mappings-(Required)The list of zones and vSwitch mappings.You must add at least two zones and a maximum of 10 zones.See zone_mappings below.deletion_protection_enabled...


(Optional)The description of the QoS policy.priority-(Required)The priority of the quintuple rule.A smaller value indicates a higher priority.If the priorities of two quintuple rules are the same,the rule created earlier ...


vis","state":"UNINSTALLED","source":"SYSTEM","description":"This is a plugin developed for Kibana that displays a network node that link two fields that have been previously selected."}],"RequestId":"11234B4A-34CE-473B-8E...




and can contain Chinese characters,English letters,numbers and underscores(_).A Chinese character counts as two characters."} },"Outputs":{"DeviceName":{"Description":"Device name.","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["Device",...


Disable.AllowedValues:Disable-Enable Nodes:MinLength:2 Type:CommaDelimitedList Description:|-The nodes to be added to this connection point to process read requests from this connection point.Add at least two nodes.If you ...


Description:Tags to attach to instance.Max support 20 tags to add during create instance.Each tag with two properties Key and Value,and Key is required.MaxLength:20 Type:Json TopLevelDomain:Description:The top-level domain...


encryptionContext.put("two","two");调用加密接口。CryptoResult[]>cipherResult=aliyunSDK.encrypt(provider,PLAIN_TEXT,encryptionContext);Assert.assertArrayEquals(PLAIN_TEXT,plainResult.getResult());} } 说明 本示例的完整代码请...


IpHash and RoundRobin.Default to IpHash.log_headers-The key-value pair that is used to mark the traffic that flows through WAF to the domain.Each item contains two field:key:The key of label.value:The value of label.read_...


在 文件中声明Module,文件内容如下:provider"alicloud"{} module"cr"{ source="roura356a/cr/alicloud"version="1.3.0"#命名空间名称 namespace="cr_repo_namespace"#授权仓库列表 repositories=["one","two","three"]} 在 ...


Once you set a value of this property,you cannot set it to an empty string anymore.paid_type-(Optional)The paid type of the instance.Support two type,"PrePaid":pre paid type instance,"PostPaid":post paid type instance....


LENGTH()Synonym for LENGTH()ORD()Return character code for leftmost character of the argument POSITION()Synonym ...two strings SUBSTR()Return the substring as specified SUBSTRING()Return the substring as specified SUBSTRING...


例子:which the data uploaded uploaded 12 Missing Translation 检查译文完全没有翻译的情况 13 Check Alphanumeric 检查数字是否正确 14 Check Word with Two or More Uppercase 检查一个单词中是否包含多个大写字母 15 Grammar 针对已...

Stream Load

two_phase_commit Stream Load导入可以开启两阶段事务提交模式:在Stream load过程中,数据写入完成即会返回信息,此时数据不可见,事务状态为PRECOMMITTED,您手动触发commit操作之后,数据才可见。默认的两阶段批量事务提交为关闭。开启...


ALIYUN:ECS:VPC:VPCId"},"ZoneMappings":{"Type":"Json","Description":"The zones and the vSwitches in the zones.You must specify at least two zones.","Default":[{"ZoneId":"cn-hangzhou-h","VSwitchId":"vsw-bp1jhj254nwc7i0ge*"}...


本节描述了用于检查和操作字符串值的函数和操作符。在这个环境中的串包括所有类型 character、character varying 和 text 的值。除非特别说明,这些函数和操作符声明为接受并返回 text 类型。他们将互换接受 character varying 参数。...


side_encryption is set to KMS.Either source or content must be provided to specify the bucket content.These two arguments are mutually-exclusive.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported id-the key of the ...


相比于two-sided操作,RDMA-based log shipment技术使用的 one-sided操作基于Read/Write Verbs,无需接收端CPU的参与。通过远程地址+密钥的方式,将日志直接写入到远端RO节点的内存中。使用限制 集群版本需为 PolarDB MySQL版 8.0.1版本且...


instance_id-(Required,ForceNew)InstanceId of your Kafka resource,the topic will create in this instance.topic-(Required,ForceNew)Name of the topic.Two topics on a single instance cannot have the same name.The length cannot...


name-(Required,ForceNew)Two topics subscription on a single account in the same topic cannot have the same name.A topic subscription name must start with an English letter or a digit,and can contain English letters,digits,...


seconds.health_check-The configurations of health checks.health_check_interval-The interval between two consecutive health checks.health_check_type-The protocol that is used for health checks.healthy_threshold-The number ...


DATE)NUMBER Number of months between two dates.MONTHS BETWEEN('28-FEB-07','30-N0V-06')3 NEXT DAY(DATE,dayofweek)DATE Date falling on dayofweek following specified date.NEXT DAY('16-APR-07','FRI')2 0-APR-07 00:00:00 NEW ...


only one CA certificate can be added.NOTE:This parameter only takes effect for TCPSSL listeners.ca_enabled-Whether to start two-way authentication.certificate_ids-Server certificate list information.Currently,only one ...


IpHash and RoundRobin.Default to IpHash.log_headers-(Optional)The key-value pair that is used to mark the traffic that flows through WAF to the domain.Each item contains two field:key:The key of label value:The value of ...


the instance is automatically renewed for a two-month subscription after the instance expires.' Required:false Type:Number ClusterName:AllowedPattern:^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,30}$Description:en:'The name of the instance.The name ...


List[Parameter]","Type":"Json","Description":{"en":"Tags to attach to instance.Max support 20 tags to add during create instance.Each tag with two properties Key and Value,and Key is required."},"MaxLength":20 } },...


mean_two_pc_transactions double 个 两阶段事务数量。PolarDBQPSTPS mean_tps double 次 每秒钟事务数。mean_commits_delta double 次 每秒提交事务数。mean_rollbacks_delta double 次 每秒回滚事务数。mean_deadlocks_delta double 次 ...
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