


Service的类型设置为负载均衡,即 Type=LoadBalancer 时,容器服务ACK的CCM(Cloud Controller Manager)组件会为该Service创建或配置一个负载均衡实例。该实例类型包含:传统型负载均衡CLB(Classic Load Balancer)和网络型负载均衡NLB...


Provides a Compute Nest Service Instance resource.For information about Compute Nest Service Instance and how to use it,see What is Service Instance.->NOTE:Available since v1.205.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{...


在Kubernetes中,Service是用于将运行在一组Pod上的应用程序公开为网络服务的抽象概念。Service不但为这组Pod提供统一的DNS名称,还让Pod之间实现了负载均衡。本文介绍Kubernetes Service的原理、注意事项,以及Service类型选型建议。基本...


This data source provides the Privatelink Vpc Endpoint Service Resources of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.110.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_privatelink_vpc_endpoint_service_resources"...


Using this data source can open Cloud Storage Gateway service automatically.If the service has been opened,it will return opened.For information about Cloud Storage Gateway and how to use it,see What is Cloud Storage ...


{#regionId}:{#accountId}:service/*无 无 eas:CreateServiceAutoScaler CreateServiceAutoScaler Write Service acs:eas:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:service/{#ServiceName} 无 无 eas:CreateServiceCronScaler CreateServiceCronScaler ...


Provides a Service Mesh Service Mesh resource.For information about Service Mesh Service Mesh and how to use it,see What is Service Mesh.->NOTE:Available since v1.138.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...

Function Compute Service V2(FCV2)

Function Compute Service V2(FCV2)

Operation Orchestration Service(OOS)

Operation Orchestration Service(OOS)

Container Service for Kubernetes(ACK)

Container Service for Kubernetes(ACK)


Provides a CEN Route Service resource.The virtual border routers(VBRs)and Cloud Connect Network(CCN)instances attached to Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)instances can access the cloud services deployed in VPCs through the ...


通过Service YAML文件中的Annotation(注解),可以实现丰富的负载均衡功能。本文从边缘负载均衡(Edge Load Balancer,ELB)、监听和后端服务器组以及边缘弹性公网IP(边缘EIP)四种资源维度来介绍通过注解可以对ELB进行的常见配置操作。...


Using this data source can open Cloud Sso Service automatically.For information about Cloud SSO and how to use it,see What is Cloud SSO.->NOTE:Available in v1.148.0+.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...On or Off.->NOTE:Setting ...

Ark 容器插件机制

Get Service publish by plugin,when there are multiple services,return the highest priority plugin service*@param ifClass service interface*@param*@return service reference*/<T>ServiceReference<T>referenceService(Class<T>...


Using this resource can create SecurityCenter service-linked role:AliyunServiceRolePolicyForSas.This Role is a Resource Access Management(RAM)role,which to obtain permissions to access another Alibaba Cloud service.For ...

GISV On-cloud Migration Service Content

1.Overview 1.1 Introduction GISV On-cloud Migration Service provides consulting and implementation services based on Alibaba Cloud's product system during the cloud migration process of customers' core systems.This service...


您通过Service YAML文件中的Annotation(注解)实现丰富的负载均衡功能。网络型负载均衡NLB(Network Load Balancer)是阿里云面向万物互联时代推出的新一代四层负载均衡,支持超高性能和自动弹性能力。本文从 NLB、监听和服务器组三种资源...

Distributed Relational Database Service(DRDS)

Distributed Relational Database Service(DRDS)




Provides a Service Mesh Extension Provider resource.For information about Service Mesh Extension Provider and how to use it,see What is Extension Provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.191.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data...


ExternalName ExternalName类型的Service将集群外部的域名映射到集群内部的Service上,例如将外部的数据库域名映射到集群内部的Service名,那么就能在集群内部通过Service名直接访问。关于Service的负载均衡配置需要注意内容,请参见 ...

Application Real-Time Monitoring Service(ARMS)

Application Real-Time Monitoring Service(ARMS)


通过Service YAML文件中的Annotation(注解),可以实现丰富的负载均衡功能。网络型负载均衡NLB(Network Load Balancer)是阿里云面向万物互联时代推出的新一代四层负载均衡,支持超高性能和自动弹性能力。本文从 NLB、监听和服务器组三种...

配置Log Service输入组件

Log Service输入组件用于读取Log Service数据源的数据。同步Log Service数据源的数据至其他数据源的场景中,您需要先配置Log Service输入组件读取的数据源,再配置数据同步的目标数据源。本文为您介绍如何配置Log Service输入组件。前提...


当您需要对应用程序的服务水平进行管理和监控时,可以在ASM控制台配置服务等级目标SLO(Service Level Objectives)和相应的告警规则,确保应用程序按照期望的服务水平运行。一旦应用程序的服务水平达到或超过预设的阈值,ASM将根据故障的...


本文主要介绍如何为应用添加服务Service实现集群内部服务间的快速访问。背景信息 在EDAS中的容器服务Kubernetes集群中创建的应用往往都是由多个运行相同镜像的一组Pod组成,Pod虽然拥有独立的IP,但Pod会快速地创建和删除,所以通过访问...


This data source provides ASM available versions in the specified region.->NOTE:Available in v1.161.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_service_mesh_versions""default"{ edition="Default"} output"service_mesh_version...


Provides a OOS Service Setting resource.For information about OOS Service Setting and how to use it,see What is Service Setting.->NOTE:Available in v1.147.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-...


当您需要对应用程序的服务水平进行管理和监控时,可以在ASM控制台配置服务等级目标SLO(Service Level Objectives)和相应的告警规则,确保应用程序按照期望的服务水平运行。一旦应用程序的服务水平达到或超过预设的阈值,ASM将根据故障的...


apiVersion:v1 kind:Service metadata:annotations:service.beta.kubernetes.io/alibaba-cloud-loadbalancer-id:${YOUR_LB_ID}#${YOUR_LB_ID}替换为您通过负载均衡管理控制台创建的CLB实例ID。service.beta.kubernetes.io/alibaba-cloud-...

配置Log Service输入组件

Log Service输入组件用于读取Log Service数据源的数据。同步Log Service数据源的数据至其他数据源的场景中,您需要先配置Log Service输入组件读取的数据源,再配置数据同步的目标数据源。本文为您介绍如何配置Log Service输入组件。在开始...

配置Log Service输入组件

Log Service输入组件用于读取Log Service数据源的数据。同步Log Service数据源的数据至其他数据源的场景中,您需要先配置Log Service输入组件读取的数据源,再配置数据同步的目标数据源。本文为您介绍如何配置Log Service输入组件。在开始...


This data source provides Service Catalog Launch Option available to the user.What is Launch Option.->NOTE:Available since v1.196.0.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_service_catalog_end_user_products""default"{ name_...


This data source provides the CR Endpoint Acl Service of the current Alibaba Cloud user.For information about Event Bridge and how to use it,see What is CR Endpoint Acl.->NOTE:Available in v1.139.0+.Example Usage Basic ...

流水线 Runner

NAME#重启$restart$SERVICE_NAME#禁用#不适用#启用#不适用 System V#启动$service$SERVICE_NAME start#停止$service$SERVICE_NAME stop#重启$service$SERVICE_NAME stop&service$SERVICE_NAME start#禁用$update-rc.d$SERVICE_NAME ...


仅在 version 为service_name、service_name_host或service_name_host_resource时出现。child_resource JSON Object 被调用方的资源信息。仅在 version 为service_name_host_resource时出现。child_service String 被调用方的服务名。child...

4核16 GiB数据节点实例性能测试

append 2125.09 ms 99.99th percentile service time index-append 2816.56 ms 100th percentile service time index-append 3341.14 ms error rate index-append 0%Min Throughput default 19.95 ops/s Mean Throughput default 19.96 ops...

16核64 GiB数据节点实例性能测试

append 878.5 ms 99.99th percentile service time index-append 1043.51 ms 100th percentile service time index-append 1428.1 ms error rate index-append 0%Min Throughput default 20.02 ops/s Mean Throughput default 20.02 ops/s ...


Provides a Cloud Monitor Service Basic Public resource.For information about Cloud Monitor Service Basic Public and how to use it,see What is Basic Public.->NOTE:Available since v1.215.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable...

8核32 GiB数据节点实例性能测试

append 41.1651 ms 90th percentile service time index-append 58.5305 ms 99th percentile service time index-append 478.733 ms 99.9th percentile service time index-append 1385.4 ms 99.99th percentile service time index-append...
< 1 2 3 4 ... 200 >
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