filezilla Failed to create listen socket on port 21 for IPv4 解决办法



local"is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all trust#IPv4 local connections:host all all md5#IPv6 local connections:host all all:1/128 trust#Allow replication connections from localhost,by a ...


本文介绍配置任务和任务运行时系统返回的报错信息(如重试信息或错误码)以及解决方法。说明 本文以正则表达式((.*)?的形式表示报错信息中的变量。若报错无法解决,您可以 通过钉钉(钉钉通讯客户端下载地址)进入到DTS客户交流钉钉群...


then echo"-successed to configure$e IPv4/mask and direct route"else echo"-failed to configure$e IPv4/mask and direct route"fi else echo"-$e has been configured with IPv4(s),nothing to do."fi echo"Complete all ...


Provides a ESS eci scaling configuration resource.For information about ess eci scaling configuration,see CreateEciScalingConfiguration.->NOTE:Available since v1.164.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default=...


4.x86_64/build/include module build dir=lib/modules/4.18.0-305.12.1.el8_4.x86_64/build kernel source dir=usr/src/linux-4.18.0-305.12.1.el8_4.x86_64/include Found valid kernel header file under/usr/src/kernels/4.18.0-305.12...


如果您在Alibaba Cloud Linux 3系统中启用了共享内存通信SMC(Shared Memory Communication),且使用过程中遇到无法正常通信、部分端口不可用、对比TCP没有应用性能提升等问题,可以参考本文提供的方案进行排查并解决。启用SMC后应用性能...

搭建FTP站点(CentOS 7)

网络环境不支持IPv6时,在/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf 配文文件中,将 listen_ipv6=YES 修改为 listen_ipv6=NO。MAC地址不匹配时,运行 ifconfig 命令查看MAC地址,并在/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xxx 配置文件中新增或修改 HWADDR...


status.podIP LivenessProbe.TcpSocket.Port integer 否 使用 TCP Socket 方式进行健康检查时,TCP Socket 检测的端口。说明 设置 LivenessProbe 相关参数时,HttpGet、Exec 和 TcpSocket 这三种检查方式,只能选择其中一种。8080 Tty ...


本文介绍访问 云原生内存数据库Tair 与 云数据库Redis版 时的常见报错与解决方法。报错概览 分类 报错项 Redis通用异常 ERR illegal address ERR sentinel compatibility mode is disabled ERR max number of clients reached NOAUTH ...


本文介绍访问 云原生内存数据库Tair 与 云数据库Redis版 时的常见报错与解决方法。报错概览 分类 报错项 Redis通用异常 ERR illegal address ERR sentinel compatibility mode is disabled ERR max number of clients reached NOAUTH ...


400 DefaultValidate.Error validte fail.-400 Region.NotSupport The specified region does not currently support nextHopType for networkInterface-400 OperationFailed.NotifyCenCreate Failed to notify cen when create route ...


400 DefaultValidate.Error validte fail.-400 Region.NotSupport The specified region does not currently support nextHopType for networkInterface-400 OperationFailed.NotifyCenCreate Failed to notify cen when create route ...


诊断 400 CreateOrderFailed The Account failed to create order.创建订单失败。诊断 400 OrderFailed The Account failed to create order.下单失败,请您稍后重试。诊断 400 ARREARAGE The Account has some ARREARAGE.账号欠费。诊断 ...

接入 Android

关闭 IPv6 开关,RPC 会过滤掉移动调度中心 IPv6 的 IP,只使用移动调度中心 IPv4 的 IP;开启 IPv6 开关,则 IPv6 和 IPv4 IP 均使用。开关默认关闭。MPRpc.openIPV6(isOpen);单独接入 MDC 示例 通过 IP 完成 Socket 建连 MPHttpIp httpIp...


Provides a NLB Server Group resource.For information about NLB Server Group and how to use it,see What is Server Group.->NOTE:Available since v1.186.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} data...


DTS-70004:execute statement failed:/*s2gb356ds228bt8MysqlEngine(0)*/insert into `xxx`.`yyy`(`.`)values(.)error detail message:INSERT command denied to user'user'@'' for table 'yyy' MySQLSyntaxErrorException:...


错误码:ODPS-0420095:Access Denied 错误1:You have no privilege to create external project-you have to be owner,super admin or admin of the referred project.错误信息 ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-You have no privilege to ...


name-The ClusterName.create_resource-Cluster tag,no need to pay attention.create_time-The creation time of the resource.create_type-How to create a cluster.deposit_type-The hosting type of the cluster.eas_enable-High ...


操作 访问级别 资源类型 条件关键字 关联操作 vpc:DeleteIpv4Gateway Write Ipv4Gateway acs:vpc:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:ipv4gateway/{#ipv4gatewayId} 无 无 请求参数 名称 类型 必填 描述 示例值 Ipv4GatewayId string 是 要删除的 ...

C++ Demo

1329]Node:0x7f087c001030 sockFd:41[connectProcess:1347]Node:0x7f087c001030 new Socket ip:106.15.XX.XX port:443 Fd:41.[socketConnect:1458]Node:0x7f087c001030 Connect failed:Network is unreachable.retry.”如何解决?...

阿里云日志服务Splunk Add-on

本文介绍如何通过阿里云日志服务Splunk Add-on将日志服务上的日志投递到Splunk。架构 Splunk Add-on架构:通过Splunk Data Input创建日志服务消费组,并从日志服务进行实时日志消费。将采集到的日志通过Splunk私有协议(Private Protocol)...

CGProxy SDK使用示例

listen ipv4,if null CgProxy will iterator all current ipv4*/int port;listen port*/CG_Proxy_OnRecv on_recv;callback on recv thread so app should return as quick as possible*/void*cb_param;}CG_Proxy_InitMsg;参数说明:ip:...


当Linux操作系统的ECS实例在运行过程中出现内核panic、内存溢出OOM(Out Of Memory)、蓝屏卡死等问题或收到系统事件通知实例出现操作系统崩溃时,说明该ECS实例发生宕机,您可以通过自助诊断工具或系统内核日志来定位问题并解决。...


sudo systemctl start vsftpd.service 说明 如果出现无法启动FTP,且提示错误信息 Job for vsftpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code,请排查是否存在21端口被占用问题。使用 lsof-i:21 命令,查看是否...


linux.private_ipv4-Intranet IP address of the instance,only available for ECS file backup client.proxy_host-Custom data plane proxy server host address.proxy_port-Custom data plane proxy server host port.proxy_user-The ...


云盘依旧残留 删除PVC失败,删除后PVC依旧存在 云盘扩容 动态扩容云盘失败,PVC Event提示Waiting for user to(re-)start a pod to finish file system resize of volume on node 动态扩容云盘失败,Edit PVC时报错提示only dynamically ...


为RAM用户123xxx创建用户映射 create user mapping for"p4_123xxx"server holo_fdw_server options(access_id 'LIlY5txxx',access_key 'KsjkXKyyy');删除用户映射 Drop USER MAPPING for CURRENT_USER server holo_fdw_server;Drop USER ...


语音合成/离线语音合成 SDK相关 状态码 状态消息 原因 解决方案 140000 TTS_CREATE_FAILED 引擎初始化失败。资源路径错误或资源文件异常,常伴随着错误码(TTS_ASSETPATH_INVALID),可查看日志后再确认。确保传入资源路径有效,资源文件...


.index_id-The ID of the index.status-The status of volume.Valid values:0:Normal condition.1:Failed to create volume.2:Failed to delete volume.3:Failed to enable target.4:Failed to disable target.5:Database error....


本文介绍常见的Linux系统内核网络参数及常见问题的解决方案。注意事项 在修改内核参数前,您需要注意以下几点:从实际需求出发,尽量有相关数据的支撑,不建议您随意调整内核参数。了解参数的具体作用,需注意不同类型或版本的


诊断 500 FailedToCreateMountTarget Failed to create mount target-诊断 500 FailedToDescribeMountTargets Failed to describe mount targets-诊断 500 FailedToDeleteMountTarget Failed to delete mount target-诊断 500 FailedToCr...


本文介绍常见的Linux系统内核网络参数及常见问题的解决方案。注意事项 在修改内核参数前,您需要注意以下几点:从实际需求出发,尽量有相关数据的支撑,不建议您随意调整内核参数。了解参数的具体作用,需注意不同类型或版本的


解决上述问题,阿里云团队基于 AnalyticDB PostgreSQL版 的MPP架构,设计并实现了基于计算节点互联互通的FDW,充分利用计算节点的性能优势,实现数据在实例之间并行访问,提高数据访问效率的效果。性能相较于原生PostgreSQL的postgres_...


网站无法访问的常见问题及解决方法 访问网站不能正常显示图片或显示不完整的原因 访问网站提示“该页面暂时无法访问”访问网站出现乱码的现象 Linux系统云虚拟主机通过网站后台上传文件异常 访问网站时出现MP4格式的视频无法播放 ...


常见的解决方法请参见如下文档:如何查询及限制连接数 排查因连接数耗尽导致的数据库连接问题 Mongo Shell连接时显示Connection reset by peers错误 Failed to connect to 10.*.*.8:3717 after 5000 milliseconds,giving up.Error:couldn't...


0000001089091 2023-01-04 17:20:29.324 Taskrun priority is MIDDLE 2023-01-04 17:20:29.324 Taskrun was due to execute at 2023-01-04 00:00:00 2023-01-04 17:20:29.324 Taskrun was ready to execute at 2023-01-04 17:20:21 2023-01...


Provides a Vpc Ipv4 Gateway resource.For information about Vpc Ipv4 Gateway and how to use it,see What is Ipv4 Gateway.->NOTE:Available in v1.181.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-testacc-example"} ...


Failed to config security group:wait for ecs instance join to security group i-xx running timeout ECS实例加入集群默认安全组失败,需要您手动添加ECS实例的安全组。Failed to start instance i-xx:Aliyun API Error:RequestId:909DA...


400 OperationFailed.EnhancedUserIsUnAuthorized Operation failed because the user is not authorized to create an enhanced NAT gateway.操作失败因为用户未授权创建增强型NAT网关。400 OperationUnsupported.PrePaidPyByLcu The ...


400 OperationFailed.EnhancedUserIsUnAuthorized Operation failed because the user is not authorized to create an enhanced NAT gateway.操作失败因为用户未授权创建增强型NAT网关。400 OperationUnsupported.PrePaidPyByLcu The ...
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