《生命3.0》(Life 3.0)

简介: 《生命3.0》一书的一些摘抄。好多配图也太可爱了吧,哈哈233。序章 Omega团队讲了一个“科幻”故事,Omega团队创造了一个超级强大的AI“普罗米修斯”,他们利用这个AI逐步控制了全世界。


序章 Omega团队


第1章 时代的对话



we can divide the development of life into three stages, distinguished by life’s ability to design itself:
• Life 1.0 (biological stage): evolves its hardware and software
• Life 2.0 (cultural stage): evolves its hardware, designs much of its software
• Life 3.0 (technological stage): designs its hardware and software

the questions raised by the success of AI aren’t merely intellectually fascinating; they’re also morally crucial, because our choices can potentially affect the entire future of life.

John McCarthy (who coined the term “artificial intelligence”)

Terminology Cheat Sheet
Life —— Process that can retain its complexity and replicate
Life 1.0 —— Life that evolves its hardware and software (biological stage)
Life 2.0 —— Life that evolves its hardware but designs much of its software (cultural stage)
Life 3.0 —— Life that designs its hardware and software (technological stage)
Intelligence —— Ability to accomplish complex goals
Artificial Intelligence (AI) —— Non-biological intelligence
Narrow intelligence —— Ability to accomplish a narrow set of goals, e.g., play chess or drive a car
General intelligence —— Ability to accomplish virtually any goal, including learning
Universal intelligence —— Ability to acquire general intelligence given access to data and resources
[Human-level] Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) —— Ability to accomplish any cognitive task at least as well as humans
Human-level AI —— AGI
Strong AI —— AGI
Superintelligence —— General intelligence far beyond human level
Civilization —— Interacting group of intelligent life forms
Consciousness ——Subjective experience
Qualia —— Individual instances of subjective experience
Ethics —— Principles that govern how we should behave
Teleology —— Explanation of things in terms of their goals or purposes rather than their causes
Goal-oriented behavior —— Behavior more easily explained via its effect than via its cause
Having a goal —— Exhibiting goal-oriented behavior
Having purpose —— Serving goals of one’s own or of another entity
Friendly AI —— Superintelligence whose goals are aligned with ours
Cyborg —— Human-machine hybrid
Intelligence explosion —— Recursive self-improvement rapidly leading to superintelligence
Singularity —— Intelligence explosion
Universe —— The region of space from which light has had time to reach us during the 13.8 billion years since our Big Bang

第2章 智能的产生

再次给出了智能的定义:intelligence = ability to accomplish complex goals

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