What is Kotlin, and is it really worth it to learn it?

简介: What is Kotlin, and is it really worth it to learn it?KOTLIN is a language developed by Jetbrains, Kotlin is declared as offi...

What is Kotlin, and is it really worth it to learn it?

KOTLIN is a language developed by Jetbrains, Kotlin is declared as official language of Google, as Swift is for Apple, Hence, Google will provide support of its services in Kotlin.

If you want to be an developer of any of Google services, such as Android, then you should learn Kotlin.

Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or uses the LLVMcompiler infrastructure.

Its not that, it is a new programming language. It was first appeared in 2011. But is now (in 2k17) official declared by Google.

Kotlin comes built in with Android Studio 3.0.

Happy Coding!!!

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Kotlin is a programming language which runs on the Java virtual machine (JVM ). It is developed by JetBrains team in 2011.

At Google I/O 2017 it is declared as the official programming language to develop Android applications along with Java and c++ .

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指定一个变量可null是通过在它的类型后面加?号,如 val a: String? = null 复制代码 (注意这个Int也可为空是因为在kotlin中一切都是对象,包括在java中的基本类型) 一个可null类型,没有进行检查前不能使用,如下代码会编译出错 val a: String? = null a.subString(2)
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@[TOC](目录) Kotlin 是一种由 JetBrains 公司开发的静态类型编程语言,旨在为 Java 开发者提供一种更加安全、简洁、易于使用的编程语言。Kotlin 可以编译成 Java 字节码,因此可以在 Java 虚拟机(JVM)上运行。下面是关于 Kotlin 的详细解释、发展历史、语法学习和代码解读。 # 一、Kotlin 详解 1. 基本概念 Kotlin 是一种静态类型语言,这意味着在编译时会对代码进行类型检查,从而减少了在运行时的错误。Kotlin 也支持面向对象编程,具有封装、继承、多态等特性。此外,Kotlin 还支持函数式编程,具有高阶函数、Lambda 表达式、
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