解决configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution


解决configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution 

今天配置一台server的php支持curl的时候, 出现如下报错

checking  for  cURL  in  default path... not found
configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution -
easy.h should be  in  /include/curl/

其实就是curl的dev包没有安装, 解决方案:

# yum -y install curl-devel

本文转自 boy461205160 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/461205160/1733426
configure: error: gperf is needed
configure: error: gperf is needed
90 0
CMake Warning at cmake/OpenCVDownload.cmake:202 (message): IPPICV: Download failed: 28;“Timeout
CMake Warning at cmake/OpenCVDownload.cmake:202 (message): IPPICV: Download failed: 28;“Timeout
598 0
CMake Warning at cmake/OpenCVDownload.cmake:202 (message): IPPICV: Download failed: 28;“Timeout
configure: error: zlib not installed
configure: error: zlib not installed
88 0
checking for spandsp >= 3.0... configure: error: no usable spandsp; please install spandsp3 devel pa
checking for spandsp >= 3.0... configure: error: no usable spandsp; please install spandsp3 devel pa
497 0
configure: error: /usr/include/openssl is a bad --with-openssl prefix
configure: error: /usr/include/openssl is a bad --with-openssl prefix
238 0
configure: error: Library requirements (libpcre >= 7.8) not met
configure: error: Library requirements (libpcre >= 7.8) not met
98 0
Shell 开发工具 C语言
php-7.3.13 configure: error: Please reinstall the libzip distribution
php-7.3.13 configure: error: Please reinstall the libzip distribution
212 0
php-7.3.13 configure: error: Please reinstall the libzip distribution
configure error Perl version 5 is required!
configure error Perl version 5 is required!
186 0