Redis release cycle

云数据库 Redis 版,社区版 2GB

Redis is system software, and a type of system software that holds user data, so it is among the most critical pieces of a software stack.

For this reason our release cycle tries hard to make sure that a stable release is only released when it reaches a sufficiently high level of stability, even at the cost of a slower release cycle.

A given version of Redis can be at three different levels of stability:

  • unstable
  • development
  • frozen
  • release candidate
  • stable

Unstable tree

The unstable version of Redis is always located in the unstable branch in the Redis GitHub Repository.

This is the source tree where most of the new features are developed and is not considered to be production ready: it may contain critical bugs, not entirely ready features, and may be unstable.

However, we try hard to make sure that even the unstable branch is usable most of the time in a development environment without major issues.

Forked, Frozen, Release candidate tree

When a new version of Redis starts to be planned, the unstable branch (or sometimes the currently stable branch) is forked into a new branch that has the name of the target release.

For instance, when Redis 2.6 was released as stable, the unstable branch was forked into the 2.8 branch.

This new branch can be at three different levels of stability: development, frozen, and release candidate.

  • Development: new features and bug fixes are committed into the branch, but not everything going into unstable is merged here. Only the features that can become stable in a reasonable time frame are merged.
  • Frozen: no new feature is added, unless it is almost guaranteed to have zero stability impacts on the source code, and at the same time for some reason it is a very important feature that must be shipped ASAP. Big code changes are only allowed when they are needed in order to fix bugs.
  • Release Candidate: only fixes are committed against this release.

Stable tree

At some point, when a given Redis release is in the Release Candidate state for enough time, we observe that the frequency at which critical bugs are signaled starts to decrease, to the point that for a few weeks we don’t have any serious bugs reported.

When this happens, the release is marked as stable.

Version numbers

Stable releases follow the usual major.minor.patch versioning schema, with the following special rules:

  • The minor is even in stable versions of Redis.
  • The minor is odd in unstable, development, frozen, release candidates. For instance the unstable version of 2.8.x will have a version number in the form 2.7.x. In general the unstable version of x.y.z will have a version x.(y-1).z.
  • As an unstable version of Redis progresses, the patch level is incremented from time to time, so at a given time you may have 2.7.2, and later 2.7.3 and so forth. However when the release candidate state is reached, the patch level starts from 101. So for instance 2.7.101 is the first release candidate for 2.8, 2.7.105 is Release Candidate 5, and so forth.


Older versions are not supported as we try very hard to make the Redis API mostly backward compatible. Upgrading to newer versions is usually trivial.

For example, if the current stable release is 2.6.x, we accept bug reports and provide support for the previous stable release (2.4.x), but not for older ones such as 2.2.x.

When 2.8 becomes the current stable release, the 2.6.x will be the oldest supported release.

云数据库 Redis 版使用教程
云数据库Redis版是兼容Redis协议标准的、提供持久化的内存数据库服务,基于高可靠双机热备架构及可无缝扩展的集群架构,满足高读写性能场景及容量需弹性变配的业务需求。 产品详情:     ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 阿里云数据库体验:数据库上云实战 开发者云会免费提供一台带自建MySQL的源数据库 ECS 实例和一台目标数据库 RDS实例。跟着指引,您可以一步步实现将ECS自建数据库迁移到目标数据库RDS。 点击下方链接,领取免费ECS&RDS资源,30分钟完成数据库上云实战!
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**Redis Cluster** 是从 Redis 3.0 开始引入的集群解决方案,它分散数据以减少对单个主节点的依赖,提升读写性能。16384 个槽位分配给节点,客户端通过槽位信息直接路由请求。集群是无代理、去中心化的,多数命令直接由节点处理,保持高性能。通过 `create-cluster` 工具快速搭建集群,但适用于测试环境。在生产环境,需手动配置文件,启动节点,然后使用 `redis-cli --cluster create` 分配槽位和从节点。集群动态添加删除节点、数据重新分片及故障转移涉及复杂操作,包括主从切换和槽位迁移。
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