mailbox unavailable

症状:发送邮件后收到退信,显示 #< #5.0.0 smtp; 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable> #SMTP#
原因:mailbox unavailable,邮箱名不存在,没有此邮箱地址。

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rsync报错: Operation not permitted (1)
[rsync报错:rsync: chgrp “.initial-setup-ks.cfg.jaXlVz” (in backup) failed: Operation not permitted (1)] 问题背景:在配置好rsync服务和客户端后,客户端从服务端拉取是正常的,但从客户端推送到服务端报错。 a,单独推送目录会报这个错误 rsync: recv_generator: mkdir “opt” (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13)
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