How to detect virtualization 虚拟机检测

简介: 除了下面的方法外,mac地址也可以检测虚拟机。Update: You may be interested in [[the perl module|perl-module-for-virtualization-detection]] implementing these tricks.

Update: You may be interested in [[the perl module|perl-module-for-virtualization-detection]] implementing these tricks.

Frequently, our customers want to install our software in a virtual machine. This can be OK, but frequently they hit a CPU, memory, or IO limit caused by running in a constrained virtual environment. When this happens, we really like to know if they’re running under virtualization when we try to support them. Here’s some tricks to detect, from a shell, if the system is virtualized.

The first thing to check is dmesg. On a recently-booted system, checking the ‘dmesg’ command output may be sufficient. Otherwise, try “cat /var/log/dmesg” instead of “dmesg”


  • VMWare:
     # dmesg | grep -i virtual
     VMware vmxnet virtual NIC driver
       Vendor: VMware    Model: Virtual disk      Rev: 1.0
     hda: VMware Virtual IDE CDROM Drive, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
  • QEmu or KVM:If the “-cpu host” option has not been used, QEmu and KVM will identify themselves as:
     # dmesg | grep -i virtual
     CPU: AMD QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 stepping 03

    otherwise, the host’s CPU information will be used both in dmesg, or in /proc/cpuinfo.

    However, you should see something like:

     $ dmesg | grep -i virtual
     [    0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on KVM

    on newer kernels that understand that they’re running under paravirtualization. (Thanks to René Pfeiffer for pointing this out)

  • Microsoft VirtualPC:
     # dmesg | grep -i virtual
     hda: Virtual HD, ATA DISK drive
     hdc: Virtual CD, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
  • Xen (thanks, wardi and others)
    # dmesg | grep -i xen
    Xen virtual console successfully installed as tty1
  • Virtuozzo
    # dmesg
    (returns no output)
    # cat /var/log/dmesg
    (returns no output)
    # ls -al /proc/vz
    veinfo  veinfo_redir  veredir  vestat  vzaquota  vzdata

On longer-running systems, you may need to grep /var/log/dmesg instead.

If that doesn’t produce anything useful, try using dmidecode to look at the BIOS information. Frequently, there will be at least one component identifying itself as virtualized:

  • VMWare:
     # dmidecode | egrep -i 'manufacturer|product'
     Manufacturer: VMware, Inc.
     Product Name: VMware Virtual Platform
  • Microsoft VirtualPC:
     # dmidecode | egrep -i 'manufacturer|product'
     Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
     Product Name: Virtual Machine
  • QEMU or KVM:
     # dmidecode | egrep -i 'vendor'
     Vendor: QEMU
  • Virtuozzo:
     # dmidecode
     /dev/mem: Permission denied
  • Xen:
     # dmidecode | grep -i domU
           Product Name: HVM domU

You should just examine the output of dmidecode directly rather than trying to grep as above, in case the output changes. QEMU, for example, doesn’t report the vendor in all versions.

Next, check disk devices for identification as virtualized:

  • VMWare:
    # cat /proc/ide/hd*/model
    VMware Virtual IDE CDROM Drive
    # cat /proc/scsi/scsi
    Attached devices:
    Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
      Vendor: VMware   Model: Virtual disk     Rev: 1.0
      Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  • Microsoft VirtualPC:
    # cat /proc/ide/hd*/model
    Virtual HD
    Virtual CD
  • QEMU, KVM, or Xen:
    # cat /proc/ide/hd*/model
  • Virtuozzo:
    # ls -al /dev/vzfs
    b-----x--- 1 root root 0, 19 2009-04-06 15:04 /dev/vzfs
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本文是一篇关于虚拟机安装和配置的教程,包括使用VMware安装虚拟机和在虚拟机中安装Kali Linux、Windows 7和Windows XP系统。作者提供了详细的步骤和截图说明,指导读者如何下载和安装VMware,以及如何从提供的链接下载预配置的操作系统镜像文件。安装过程中,重点介绍了如何选择安装路径、接受许可协议、启动安装过程,并强调了不要勾选某些选项以保持默认设置。此外,还提到了如何在虚拟机中配置网络,确保三个系统在同一网段并能互相ping通。最后,作者布置了一些练习,如熟悉操作系统的使用、获取IP地址和互相通信,以及鼓励读者享受学习网络安全的过程。
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存储 Linux 虚拟化