Plesk PHP Code Injection

简介: Reliable exploit for the Plesk PHP code injection vulnerability disclosed by Kingcope in June 2013.

Reliable exploit for the Plesk PHP code injection vulnerability disclosed by Kingcope in June 2013. Can deliver inline and reverse shells using the payloads library, as well as offering (buggy) file upload features.

Java 中间件 Serverless
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Serverless 应用引擎(SAE)是阿里云提供的Serverless PaaS平台,支持Spring Cloud、Dubbo、HSF等主流微服务框架,简化应用的部署、运维和弹性伸缩。在使用SAE过程中,可能会遇到各种操作报错。以下是一些常见的报错情况及其可能的原因和解决方法。
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