very cool





Top 10 features that businesses love.

Business today is different. Partners work in remote locations, teammates telecommute, and frequent flyers rely on mobile phones. Shouldn’t the tools we use be different, too? That’s where Box comes in.

1. Online Workspaces - Create shared workspaces and easily invite team members to upload files, start discussions and collaborate online.

2. File Sharing - Easily share large files both within your company and with external partners replacing FTP software and email attachments. You can even see when your files are downloaded!

3. Folder Layers - Create and organize multiple layers of folders replacing your file server with an online company-wide file system.

4. Mobile Access - View your files on any browser-enabled mobile device and use Box's apps on the iPhone and Blackberry.

5. File Commenting, Group Discussions and Online Documents - Leave comments attached to a specific document, start a group discussion, or create and share a simple document.

6. Updates - Like a newsfeed for your shared workspace, keep up with all activity via the Updates tab in Box and through email.

7. Version History - View previous versions of your files even after changes are made and new versions are uploaded. *Business only

8. User Management - Manage users easily, control data access and review reports on content usage and activity using the Admin Console. *Business only

9. Security Controls - Set various levels of view and edit permission, set up a time to auto-delete a file or deactivate a link, and password protect sensitive folders or files *Business only

10. Easy-to-Use - Minimize user training and support costs, eliminate software or hardware maintenance, and get started in just minutes.

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