OGG-00665 OCI Error getting OCI_ATTR_NAME for UDT SYS.ANYDATA(status = 24328


Oracle GoldenGate 11.2 版本,在配置后开启Extract进程时,发生错误,检查 ggserr.log 文件, 发现ERROR   OGG-00665  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  OCI Error getting OCI_ATTR_NAME for UDT SYS

.ANYDATA (status = 24328-ORA-24328: illegal attribute value), SQL.
2013-07-30 17:36:59  INFO    OGG-01057  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  Recovery completed for all targets.
2013-07-30 17:37:00  ERROR   OGG-00665  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  OCI Error getting OCI_ATTR_NAME for UDT SYS
.ANYDATA (status = 24328-ORA-24328: illegal attribute value), SQL.
2013-07-30 17:37:01  ERROR   OGG-01668  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  PROCESS ABENDING.
查询Metalink发现类似错误 : 
Extract errors with "OGG-00665 OCI Error getting OCI_ATTR_NAME" for ANYDATA datatype (文档 ID 1437156.1)
本文转自ITPUB博客tolywang的博客,原文链接:OGG-00665 OCI Error getting OCI_ATTR_NAME for UDT SYS.ANYDATA(status = 24328,如需转载请自行联系原博主。
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