揭开.NET 2.0配置之谜(三)


声明:此文是译文,原文是Jon RistaUnraveling the Mysteries of .NET 2.0 Configuration,由于这篇文章比较长,所以我就分为几部分来翻译,这是此译文的第三部分。若翻译有不当之处,请不吝赐教,以免此译文误导他人,在此谢过。

let's go on!



public class SomeConfigurationSection
    static SomeConfigurationSection()
        // Preparation...
    // Properties...
    #region GetSection Pattern
    private static SomeConfigurationSection m_section;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the default element name.
    /// </summary>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection()
        return GetSection("someConfiguration");
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the specified element name.
    /// </summary>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection(string definedName)
        if (m_section == null)
            m_section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(definedName) as 
            if (m_section == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("The <" + definedName + 
                      "> section is not defined in your .config file!");
        return m_section;


上述的模式增加了一个静态GetSection()方法给每个自定义ConfigurationSection类。 它的一个重载方法,以一个字符串作为参数,允许你为.config中元素定义一个不同的名字,如果你喜欢的话。另外,默认的重载是可以使用的。这种模式使 用在标准的应用程序(.exe)的配置节下工作的非常好。然而,如果配置节使用在一个web.config文件中,你将需要使用下面的代码:
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;

public class SomeConfigurationSection
    static SomeConfigurationSection()
        // Preparation...
    // Properties...
    #region GetSection Pattern
    private static SomeConfigurationSection m_section;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the default element name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If an HttpContext exists, uses the WebConfigurationManager
    /// to get the configuration section from web.config.
    /// </remarks>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection()
        return GetSection("someConfiguration");
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the specified element name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If an HttpContext exists, uses the WebConfigurationManager
    /// to get the configuration section from web.config.
    /// </remarks>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection(string definedName)
        if (m_section == null)
            string cfgFileName = ".config";
            if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                m_section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(definedName) 
                            as SomeConfigurationSection;
                m_section = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection(definedName) 
                            as SomeConfigurationSection;
                cfgFileName = "web.config";
            if (m_section == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("The <" + definedName + 
                  "> section is not defined in your " + 
                  cfgFileName + " file!");
        return m_section;


using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;

public class SomeConfigurationSection
    static SomeConfigurationSection()
        // Preparation...
    // Properties...
    #region GetSection Pattern
    // Dictionary to store cached instances of the configuration object
    private static Dictionary<string, 
            SomeConfigurationSection> m_sections;
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a cached section with the specified defined name.
    /// </summary>
    private static SomeConfigurationSection 
            FindCachedSection(string definedName)
        if (m_sections == null)
            m_sections = new Dictionary<string, 
            return null;
        SomeConfigurationSection section;
        if (m_sections.TryGetValue(definedName, out section))
            return section;
        return null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the specified section to the cache under the defined name.
    /// </summary>
    private static void AddCachedSection(string definedName, 
                   SomeConfigurationSection section)
        if (m_sections != null)
            m_sections.Add(definedName, section);
    /// <summary>
    /// Removes a cached section with the specified defined name.
    /// </summary>
    public static void RemoveCachedSection(string definedName)
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the default element name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If an HttpContext exists, uses the WebConfigurationManager
    /// to get the configuration section from web.config. This method
    /// will cache the instance of this configuration section under the
    /// specified defined name.
    /// </remarks>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection()
        return GetSection("someConfiguration");
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the specified element name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If an HttpContext exists, uses the WebConfigurationManager
    /// to get the configuration section from web.config. This method
    /// will cache the instance of this configuration section under the
    /// specified defined name.
    /// </remarks>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection(string definedName)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(definedName))
            definedName = "someConfiguration";
        SomeConfigurationSection section = FindCachedSection(definedName);
        if (section == null)
            string cfgFileName = ".config";
            if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(definedName) 
                          as SomeConfigurationSection;
                section = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection(definedName) 
                          as SomeConfigurationSection;
                cfgFileName = "web.config";
            if (section == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("The <" + definedName + 
                   "> section is not defined in your " + cfgFileName + 
                   " file!");
            AddCachedSection(definedName, section);
        return section;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the default element name 
    /// from the specified Configuration object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If an HttpContext exists, uses the WebConfigurationManager
    /// to get the configuration section from web.config.
    /// </remarks>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection(Configuration config)
        return GetSection(config, "someConfiguration");
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the configuration section using the specified element name 
    /// from the specified Configuration object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If an HttpContext exists, uses the WebConfigurationManager
    /// to get the configuration section from web.config.
    /// </remarks>
    public static SomeConfigurationSection GetSection(Configuration config, 
                                           string definedName)
        if (config == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("config", 
                  "The Configuration object can not be null.");
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(definedName))
            definedName = "someConfiguration";
        SomeConfigurationSection section = config.GetSection(definedName) 
                                           as SomeConfigurationSection;
        if (section == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException("The <" + definedName + 
                  "> section is not defined in your .config file!");
        return section;

通过传递Configuration对象,一个可保存的配 置节实例能在XML文件中检索一个指定名字的配置节。这把我带到另外一个重要的配置节秘诀。配置节元素的名字不一定必须的固定不变,也不一定只有一个配置 节的实例。在一个.config文件按中每个配置节可以定义和设置多次,只要给每个实例不同的名字:

    <section name="example1" type="Examples.Configuration.ExampleSection,
                                      Examples.Configuration" />
    <section name="example2" type="Examples.Configuration.ExampleSection, 
                                      Examples.Configuration" />
    <section name="example3" type="Examples.Configuration.ExampleSection, 
                                      Examples.Configuration" />
  <example1 />
  <example2 />
  <example3 />



public class SomeProgram
    static Main()
        s_config = MyConfig.GetSection();
        s_duration = s_config.Duration;
        s_timer = new Timer(
            new TimerCallback(),
    private static MyConfig s_config;
    private static Timer s_timer;
    private static TimeSpan s_duration;
    private static void WriteCurrentTime(object data)
        Console.WriteLine("The current time is " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
        if (s_duration != s_config.Duration)
            s_duration = s_config.Duration;
            s_timer.Change(TimeSpan.Zero, s_duration);
在上面的应用程序中,我们希望如果配置文件更新的话,改变定时器间隔。我们配置节的实例,s_config,将一直保持更新。因此如果在应用程序运行 时,.config文件改变,任何改变将被发现并载入到内存中。如果你跟我在文章中一样实现你的配置节,覆写静态构造器和替换属性 (properties)集合,这样你的集合将有有高的性能。这使得访问一个配置属性(property)相对廉价的操作,因此上述代码可以重写成如下:
public class SomeProgram
    static Main()
        s_config = MyConfig.GetSection();
        s_timer = new Timer(
            new TimerCallback(),
    private static MyConfig s_config;
    private static Timer s_timer;
    private static TimeSpan s_duration;
    private static void WriteCurrentTime(object data)
        Console.WriteLine("The current time is " + 
        s_timer.Change(TimeSpan.Zero, s_config.Duration);

如果这个例子过于简单揭示直接使用配置设置的意义,那么想象一个更复杂的场景,一个配置值在一个缓存变量。变量是顺序通过一个链来调用,然后循环使 用。如果想要的结果对任何配置的过期及时发现并回答,那么缓存将不起作用。你必须直接访问配置属性(property),不用把它缓存到变量中。配置设置 是全局访问的,可以在应用程序的任何地方。这意味着在你的代码中的任何地方都可以访问配置属性(property),而不用缓存变量的值和传递一个变量参 数。将使得代码更干净,因为你要求更少的的参数。如果高性能是绝对必要的,是有可能写一个有事件的配置节,当配置数据在磁盘上已经改变能通知使用者。然 而,这是一个更高级的主题,将在以后讨论。


本文中概述的信息提供了一个全面地介绍.NET 2.0框架的配置功能特性。然而,这决不是一个全面的文件,并且还有一些更复杂的使用配置节。其他信息将在后面的文章:

  • 解码.NET 2.0配置之谜
  • 破解.NET 2.0配置之谜


12.1、附录A: 配置结构的级联

在ASP.NET应用程序中,web.config文件可能针对任何IIS“应用程序”。倘若应用程序的虚拟文件夹是另一个应用程序的孩子,来自父 应用程序的web.config文件将和子应用程序的web.config合并。因为IIS中的应用程序可以嵌套任何级别的深度,当子应用应程序的 web.config加载时,配置级联将产生。



<!-- \wwwroot\web.config -->
        <add key="first"  value="C98E4F32123A" />
        <add key="second" value="DD0275C8EA1B" />
        <add key="third"  value="629B59A001FC" />

<!-- \wwroot\firstapp\web.config -->
        <remove key="first" />        
        <add key="first"  value="FB54CD34AA92" />
        <add key="fourth" value="DE67F90ACC3C" />

<!-- \wwroot\anotherapp\web.config -->
        <add key="fourth" value="123ABC456DEF" />
        <add key="fifth"  value="ABC123DEF456" />
        <add key="sixth"  value="0F9E8D7C6B5A" />

<!-- \wwroot\anotherapp\childapp\web.config -->
        <remove key="second" />
        <remove key="fourth" />
        <remove key="sixth" />

        <add key="seventh" value="ABC123DEF456" />
        <add key="ninth"  value="0F9E8D7C6B5A" />

<!-- \wwroot\lastapp\web.config -->
        <clear />
        <add key="first"  value="AABBCCDDEEFF" />
        <add key="second" value="112233445566" />
        <add key="third"  value="778899000000" />
        <add key="fourth" value="0A0B0C0D0E0F" />


  • first = C98E4F32123A
  • second = DD0275C8EA1B
  • third = 629B59A001FC
  • first = FB54CD34AA92
  • second = DD0275C8EA1B
  • third = 629B59A001FC
  • fourth = DE67F90ACC3C
  • first = C98E4F32123A
  • second = DD0275C8EA1B
  • third = 629B59A001FC
  • fourth = 123ABC456DEF
  • fifth = ABC123DEF456
  • sixth = 0F9E8D7C6B5A
  • first = C98E4F32123A
  • third = 629B59A001FC
  • fifth = ABC123DEF456
  • seventh = ABC123DEF456
  • ninth = 0F9E8D7C6B5A
  • first = AABBCCDDEEFF
  • second = 112233445566
  • third = 778899000000
  • fourth = 0A0B0C0D0E0F


12.2、附录B: 包含外部配置文件

尽管在.NET 2.0的配置功能中都很伟大,但是仍有一个缺点。当工作在一个多环境的单一项目中,管理配置文件是一个噩梦。管理多环境下的多版本的配置文件(如开发、测 试、阶段、产品)的过程,我目前的工作包括手工比较.config文件,将更改部署到一个环境或另外一个,通过手工合并。我花了几个月试图找到一种更好的 方法,最终找到了。进入这样那样一些没有“没有文档的”或很少文档的——微软著名的特点,的其中的一个:configSource。当我用Reflector深入挖掘.NET 2.0配置源码的时候,碰到这个珍品,美妙的小工具。


  <connectionStrings configSource="externalConfig/connectionStrings.config"/>

<!-- externalConfig/connectionStrings.config -->
  <add name="conn" connectionString="blahblah" />

在上面的配置文件中,<connectionStrings>节源于名为externalConfig/connectionStrings.config的文件。所有应用程序的连接字符串将加载自这个特定文件。现在,连接字符串是从外部资源加载的,在相对相同位置的每个环境,他相对简单地创建一个connectionStrings.config文件。因此externalConfig/   connectionStrings.config 文件的路径。这里漂亮的地方是,我们可以正确地为每个环境定义连接字符串定义一次。我们不用担心意外覆写那些设置,在部署一个config文件时,无论是 否合并得当或根本不合并。这是一个巨大的福音,当更改一个应用程序到产品环境是,他的关键正确的数据库连接字符串存在。使用configSource属性(attribute)失效,就是它要求所有的配置节将放置在外部文件中。没有继承或覆写是可能的,在某些情况下使它没用。所有的外部配置文件用configSource属性(attribute)引用,也必须放在相对子到主的.config文件路径上。我相信这是考虑web环境中的安全性,存储文件在相对父路径上。



终于翻译完了Unraveling the Mysteries of .NET 2.0 Configuration ,可以歇息一下了!如果您觉得好请推荐下,谢谢!

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