144.4. ncat - Concatenate and redirect sockets


nc - TCP/IP swiss army knife

按照 ncat

# yum search nc | grep nmap
nmap-ncat.x86_64 : Nmap's Netcat replacement

yum install nmap-ncat

144.4.1. TCP 数据传输


nc -l 8080 > test.txt


cat /etc/hosts | nc your_server 8080

144.4.2. UDP 数据传输

Server 端

nc -4 -u -l 9000

Client 端

cat /etc/passwd | nc -4 -u 9000

144.4.3. 始终保持服务器开启

-k, --keep-open Accept multiple connections in listen mode

# nc -l 8087 -k


144.4.4. 传输视频流


$cat video.avi | nc -l 3000

客户端,从socket中读入数据并通过管道传递给 mplayer播放该视频。

$nc 3000 | mplayer -vo x11 -cache 3000 -			

原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

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