Apache OFBiz

简介: Apache OFBiz® Apache OFBiz offers a great deal of functionality, including: advanced e-commerce catalog management promotion & pricing manageme...

Apache OFBiz®

Apache OFBiz offers a great deal of functionality, including:

  • advanced e-commerce
  • catalog management
  • promotion & pricing management
  • order management (sales & purchase)
  • customer management (part of general party management)
  • warehouse management
  • fulfillment (auto stock moves, batched pick, pack & ship)
  • accounting (invoice, payment & billing accounts, fixed assets)
  • manufacturing management
  • general work effort management (events, tasks, projects, requests, etc)
  • content management (for product content, web sites, general content, blogging, forums, etc)
  • and much more all in an open source package!

Apache OFBiz® is an open source product for the automation of enterprise processes that includes framework components and business applications for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), E-Business / E-Commerce, SCM (Supply Chain Management), MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning), MMS/EAM (Maintenance Management System/Enterprise Asset Management).

Apache OFBiz provides a foundation and starting point for reliable, secure and scalable enterprise solutions. Use it out-of-the-box, customize it or use it as a framework to implement your most challenging business needs. With OFBiz, you can get started right away without the huge deployment and maintenance costs of traditional enterprise automation systems. As your business grows, you can extend the functionality to meet your more sophisticated needs.

Apache OFBiz is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

The Apache OFBiz project is part of The Apache Software Foundation.

OFBiz stands for Open For Business.



XML 安全 网络协议
Apache Ofbiz XML-RPC反序列化漏洞(CVE-2020-9496)
Apache Ofbiz XML-RPC反序列化漏洞(CVE-2020-9496)
Apache Ofbiz XML-RPC反序列化漏洞(CVE-2020-9496)
XML 缓存 Java
Apache OFbiz MiniLang 源码解读
MiniLang所有元素的父类——MiniLangElement MiniLang 是基于XML的“描述型语言”。所有的元素,包括节点、属性都继承自该类。它包含三个属性: lineNumber:表示解析MiniLang的源码(通常是Java)所处的行号,主要是为了便于日志记录 tagName:当前元素的tag名称,主要用于日志记录 simpleMethod:simpleMethod是一个大的“传输对象”,里面实现了MiniLang支持的所有执行方式,其作用类似于serviceengine中的serviceDispatcher。
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存储 Apache 数据库
谈Apache OFbiz 会员模块表结构设计
数据库表的结构设计可谓是ofbiz除技术框架之外,另一个非常值得学习的方向。这篇文章我们来谈谈ofbiz对电子商务会员表的设计。 PARTY ofbiz对人、团体进行了抽象,称之为party,翻译为中文称之为“会员”(但我觉得抛开领域,如果你也有相关的设计需求,在其他领域可能称之为团体更合适)。
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Web App开发 安全 前端开发
Apache OFBiz源码解读之MVC模型
这篇文章我们来共同探讨一下Apache OFBiz的MVC模型的实现机制。 简介 对于Model-View-Controller的概念此处就不做过多介绍了。如果有想了解的请移步:维基百科。这里我只引用维基百科上关于该item的一张图片,来简单展示一下,这三个component之间的交互机制: OFBiz实现MVC是通过XML来串联这三者之间的依赖关系。
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安全 Java Apache
串讲Apache OFBiz技术架构
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Apache Flink 是一个开源的分布式流处理框架
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官宣|阿里巴巴捐赠的 Flink CDC 项目正式加入 Apache 基金会
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官宣|阿里巴巴捐赠的 Flink CDC 项目正式加入 Apache 基金会
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Apache Flink PMC(项目管理委员)很高兴地宣布发布 Apache Flink 1.19.0。
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官宣|Apache Flink 1.19 发布公告



