draw lines on ColumnChart

简介: 原文 http://blog.csdn.net/lixuekun820/article/details/5485042 Summary: Adobe 的 Flex Chart提供了很强大的功能,通过简单的设置就可以实现一些较复杂的效果。

原文 http://blog.csdn.net/lixuekun820/article/details/5485042


Adobe 的 Flex Chart提供了很强大的功能,通过简单的设置就可以实现一些较复杂的效果。比如通过ColumnSet将多个柱状图以overlaid形式显示,并添加条线图。但思想是无止境的,老外要求我们在柱状图上有斜线的效果等。


ColumnChart 的能够显示线条,不同的柱状图显示不同的倾斜度、粗细及颜色。




定义 LinesRenderer.as 如下:



    import flash.display.Graphics;

    import flash.geom.Point;


    import mx.charts.renderers.BoxItemRenderer;


    public class LinesRenderer extends BoxItemRenderer



    	* properties:

    	* lineGap is the gap between in lines

    	* lineAngle is line's angle    	 

    	* */

        public var lineGap : Number=4;

        public var lineAngle : Number = 75;


        * style settings:

        * linethickness

        * lineColor

        * lineAlpha

        * */        

        public var lineThickness : Number = 1;

        public var lineColor : uint = 0x000000;

        public var lineAlpha : Number = 1;



        * Private properties:

        * xIncreace: x add value

        * yIncreace: y add value

        * maxIncreace: the max value of increace


        * */

        private var xIncreace : Number;

        private var yIncreace : Number;

        private var maxIncreace : Number;        

        private static const RADIAN_UINT : Number = Math.PI / 180;        

        private var startPoint : Point = new Point(0, 0);

        private var endPoint : Point = new Point(0, 0);

        private var currentPoint : Point = new Point(0, 0);


        public function LinesRenderer()





        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void


            super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

            if (this.height == 0 || this.width == 0)




var g:Graphics=graphics;

            g.lineStyle(lineThickness, lineColor, lineAlpha);






        * draw lines function



        private function drawShadeLine(g : Graphics) : void


        	var absHeight : Number = Math.abs(height);

        	var absWidth : Number = Math.abs(width);

        	currentPoint.x = 0;

        	currentPoint.y = 0;


        	if(lineAngle == 0)


        	if(height < 0)


        	currentPoint.y = - absHeight;


        	for(var i : int = 1; i * lineGap < absHeight; i++)


        	g.moveTo(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y + i * lineGap);

        	g.lineTo(currentPoint.x + absWidth, currentPoint.y + i * lineGap);



        	else if(lineAngle == 90)


        	if(height < 0)


        	currentPoint.y = - absHeight;    


        	for(var t : int = 1; t * lineGap < absHeight; t++)


        	g.moveTo(currentPoint.x + t * lineGap, currentPoint.y);

        	g.lineTo(currentPoint.x + t * lineGap, currentPoint.y + absHeight);



        	else if(lineAngle > 0 && lineAngle < 90)


        	if(height < 0)


        	currentPoint.y = - absHeight;



        	xIncreace = lineGap / Math.cos(lineAngle * RADIAN_UINT);

           yIncreace = lineGap / Math.sin(lineAngle * RADIAN_UINT);

           maxIncreace = Math.max(absHeight + absWidth/Math.tan(lineAngle * RADIAN_UINT)

           	,absWidth + absHeight * Math.tan(lineAngle * RADIAN_UINT));


        	for (var j:int = 1; (j * xIncreace < maxIncreace || j * yIncreace < maxIncreace); j++)


           	startPoint.y = currentPoint.y + j * yIncreace;

if (startPoint.y > currentPoint.y + absHeight)


startPoint.x = Math.min((startPoint.y - currentPoint.y - absHeight) * Math.tan(lineAngle * RADIAN_UINT), 

currentPoint.x + absWidth);

startPoint.y = currentPoint.y + absHeight;

} else 


startPoint.x = currentPoint.x;


endPoint.x  = currentPoint.x + j * xIncreace;

if (endPoint.x > currentPoint.x + absWidth)


endPoint.y = Math.min(currentPoint.y + (endPoint.x - currentPoint.x - absWidth)/Math.tan(lineAngle * RADIAN_UINT), 

currentPoint.y + absHeight);

endPoint.x = currentPoint.x + absWidth;

} else 


endPoint.y = currentPoint.y;


               g.moveTo(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);


               g.lineTo(endPoint.x, endPoint.y);



        	else if(lineAngle > 90 && lineAngle < 180)


        	if(height > 0)


        	currentPoint.y = height;



        	xIncreace = lineGap / Math.sin((180 - lineAngle) * RADIAN_UINT);

           yIncreace = lineGap / Math.cos((180 - lineAngle) * RADIAN_UINT);

           maxIncreace = Math.max(absHeight + absWidth * Math.tan((180 - lineAngle) * RADIAN_UINT)

           	,absWidth + absHeight / Math.tan((180 - lineAngle) * RADIAN_UINT));


        	for (var k:int = 1; (k * xIncreace < maxIncreace || k * yIncreace < maxIncreace); k++)


           	startPoint.y = currentPoint.y - k * yIncreace;

if (startPoint.y < currentPoint.y - absHeight)


startPoint.x = Math.min(Math.abs(currentPoint.y - absHeight - startPoint.y) / Math.tan((180 - lineAngle) * RADIAN_UINT), 

currentPoint.x + absWidth);

startPoint.y = currentPoint.y - absHeight;

} else 


startPoint.x = currentPoint.x;


endPoint.x  = currentPoint.x + k * xIncreace;

if (endPoint.x > currentPoint.x + absWidth)


endPoint.y = Math.max(currentPoint.y - ((endPoint.x - currentPoint.x - absWidth) * Math.tan((180 - lineAngle) * RADIAN_UINT)), 

currentPoint.y - absHeight);

endPoint.x = currentPoint.x + absWidth;

} else 


endPoint.y = currentPoint.y;


               g.moveTo(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);


               g.lineTo(endPoint.x, endPoint.y);








Example: 创建一个App,使ColumnSeries 的ItemRender 为linesRender



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:local="*">


    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


    public var dataCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([

        {Month: "Jan", Income: 2000, AverageIncome:1620 },

        {Month: "Feb", Income: 600, AverageIncome:1620},

        {Month: "Mar", Income: 1500,AverageIncome:1620},

       {Month: "Apr", Income: 2500, AverageIncome:1620},

       {Month: "May", Income: 1500, AverageIncome:1620}]);       



        <mx:ColumnChart id="myChart" dataProvider="{dataCollection}"

        	 showDataTips="true" type="overlaid">


                <mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{dataCollection}" 




                <mx:ColumnSeries  xField="Month" yField="AverageIncome"  displayName="Average"




                	<local:LinesRenderer lineAngle="45" lineGap="5"  lineColor="0xffff00"/>









注:代码可以独立运行,LinesRenderer.as 中的drawShadeLine()算法不是很理想,有待于改进。


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