JournalDev 博客的 Java 教程集合(JournalDev Java Tutorials Collections)

简介: TutorialsI have written a lot of posts here into many categories and as the number of post grows, keeping track of them becomes harder.


I have written a lot of posts here into many categories and as the number of post grows, keeping track of them becomes harder. So I have provided a summary post for most of the categories where you can read them in the order for better understanding.

This post is aimed to include all the summary posts and tutorials that you should go through to have clear understanding in that area.


Java Collections Framework Tutorial

Java Collections are one of the core frameworks of Java language. We use Collections almost in every application, this tutorial will explain Java Collections Framework in detail. Learn about collections framework interfaces, classes and algorithms in detail.


Java XML Tutorial

XML is widely used technology to store or transport data and it’s platform independent. Java provides various API’s to read, write or manipulate XML data. This tutorial explains about DOM Parser, SAX Parser, JDOM Parser, StAX Parser and misc xml tasks.


Java Regular Expression Tutorial

A regular expression defines a pattern for a String. Regular Expressions can be used to search, edit or manipulate text. A tutorial covering java.util.regex package classes, regular expression symbols, metacharacters, quantifiers and capturing groups in detail with example.


Java IO Tutorial

Java IO package contains classes to work with Files, Stream data and File System. A comprehensive tutorial covering various aspects of Files, Directories, Create a File, Read a File, Write a File, Delete a File/Directory, RandomAccessFile, Temp File, ZIP and Unzip File/Directory, GZIP and Serialization/Deserialization examples.


Java Thread Tutorial

Java Thread tutorial explains difference between Process and Thread, how we can create Thread by extending Thread class or implement Runnable interface, important methods of Thread class, different states of Thread, Thread safety and Synchronization, how to get thread dump in java, deadlock situation and how to analyze and avoid it, Timer Thread, Daemon Thread, ThreadLocal implementation, Producer-Consumer problem, Thread Pool, Executors framework and Callable interface returning value from thread execution.


Java Logging API Tutorial

Java Logging API was introduced in Java 1.4, a complete tutorial explaining Logger class, different Logging Levels, different Logging Handlers, Logging Formatters, Log Manager and Logging configuration property files.

Java Annotations Tutorial

Learn about the Java annotations and the benefits of using annotations. The post explains java built-in annotations, how to create custom annotations, meta annotations and how we can parse annotations of a class using Reflection API.

Java Generics Tutorial

Generics was introduced in Java 5 to remove type-casting in using Collection classes and to provide means for type checking at compile time. We can use Generics to create generic type interface and classes and we can use it with methods too. Learn about features of Generics in great detail in this extensive post.

Java Exception Handling

We don’t like exceptions but we always have to deal with them, great news is that Java Exception handling framework is very robust and easy to understand and use. Check out the post to learn about Exception Handling and best practices to follow for better exception handling.

Java Reflection Tutorial

Reflection is a very powerful API and used in almost all the Java, J2EE frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, JUnit and Tomcat. It’s one of the advance topics of core java and used in framework implementations, check out this post to learn about Java Reflection API with a lot of examples.

Java Design Patterns

Design Patterns provide a standard solution for common software development recurring problems. There are 22 design patterns in java divided into three categories – creational, structural and behavioral design patterns. Check out the post to learn about these design patterns, their intent and how to implement them with an example.

JDBC Tutorial

Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) API provides industry standard and database independent connectivity to work with relational databases. A comprehensive post with 12 tutorials explaining different aspects of JDBC API, DataSource and JDBC integration with Spring Framework.


Servlet JSP Tutorial

Servlet and JSP are the at the heart of Java EE. All the Java EE frameworks are built on top of Servlets and JSPs. A comprehensive post with more than 20 tutorials to help you learn Servlets and JSPs backed with example programs.


Struts 2 Tutorial

Struts2 is one of the widely used web application framework. It’s built on top of WebWork and Struts1 and provides flexibility in developing web application. It’s an industry standard MVC framework. The article lists out 20+ tutorials for Struts2 that you can read to learn about Struts2 in detail. All the examples are tested with Struts2 version and most of the tutorials have attached projects that you can download for better understanding.


Spring Tutorial

Spring is the most widely used Java EE Web application framework. It’s built on the principles of Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming. It’s an open source framework and the best part is the different modules for integration with other frameworks, such as Spring ORM, Spring MVC etc. This article lists more than 20 tutorials I have written for different components of Spring framework. The articles are in the order and serves as a great resource for newbie as well as experienced ones. All the project comes with downloadable projects that you can use to learn more. Also the projects are tested with latest Spring 4 versions and provide XML as well as annotation based configuration details.


PrimeFaces Tutorial

PrimeFaces is one of the top implementation of JSF 2. PrimeFaces is very easy to use and comes with a lot of components to create awesome effect on view pages. One of the most useful feature of PrimeFaces is the support for creating responsive view pages, that is a must have for current web pages. We have more than 20 articles on PrimeFaces that you can read in the order to start as a beginner and become a pro.


Hibernate Tutorial

Hibernate is the best Java ORM tool in the current market. Recently I have written a lot for hibernate framework. So this article is like an index of all the posts. You can go through these in sequence to learn hibernate from scratch. Most of these comes with downloadable projects that you can use to learn more. All the projects are tested with Hibernate 4 latest version.


Apache Axis 2 Tutorial

Apache Axis 2 is one of the widely used SOAP based web services framework. Learn how to use Apache Axis 2 to create SOAP based web services, complete tutorial with client program to test the web service.


Jersey Restful Web Service Tutorial

Jersey is open source JAX-RS implementation for building Restful Web Services. Learn how to use Jersey to create Restful web services with use of JAXB, Exception Handling approach and Jersey client program to test the web service.

Memcached Tutorial

Memcached Tutorial

Memcached is Free & open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. Memcached is used by almost all the major websites with huge data, for example YouTube, Wikipedia, Twitter etc. Learn how to install memcached server on Windows, Unix, Mac OS and CentOS operating systems and how to use it’s Java and PHP API to connect to memcached server and use it as in-memory cache.

12 Responses to "Tutorials"

安全 Java 大数据
Java 测试技术 Python
《手把手教你》系列技巧篇(三十六)-java+ selenium自动化测试-单选和多选按钮操作-番外篇(详解教程)
11 0
安全 Java
循环的时候去删除集合中的元素 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
循环的时候去删除集合中的元素 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
Java 测试技术 项目管理
NoSQL Java 关系型数据库
【4月更文挑战第21天】MongoDB是开源的NoSQL数据库,强调高性能和灵活性。Java应用通过MongoDB Java驱动与之交互,涉及MongoClient、MongoDatabase、MongoCollection和Document等组件。连接MongoDB的步骤包括:配置连接字符串、创建MongoClient、选择数据库和集合。伪代码示例展示了如何建立连接、插入和查询数据。
存储 前端开发 测试技术
《手把手教你》系列技巧篇(三十五)-java+ selenium自动化测试-单选和多选按钮操作-下篇(详解教程)
【4月更文挑战第27天】本文介绍了使用Java+Selenium进行Web自动化测试时,如何遍历和操作多选按钮的方法。文章分为两个部分,首先是一个本地HTML页面的示例,展示了多选按钮的HTML代码和页面效果,并详细解释了遍历多选按钮的思路:找到所有多选按钮的共同点,通过定位这些元素并放入list容器中,然后使用for循环遍历并操作。 第二部分介绍了在JQueryUI网站上的实战,给出了被测网址,展示了代码设计,同样使用了findElements()方法获取所有多选按钮并存储到list中,然后遍历并进行点击操作。最后,文章对整个过程进行了小结,并推荐了作者的其他自动化测试教程资源。
13 0
Java 关系型数据库 MySQL
【4月更文挑战第19天】MySQL是流行的关系型数据库管理系统,支持SQL语法。在IDEA中加载jar包到项目类路径:右击项目,选择“Open Module Settings”,添加库文件。使用JDBC连接MySQL,首先下载JDBC驱动,然后通过`Class.forName()`加载驱动,`DriverManager.getConnection()`建立连接。执行CRUD操作,例如创建表、插入数据和查询,使用`Statement`或`PreparedStatement`,并确保正确关闭数据库资源。
设计模式 算法 Java
前端开发 测试技术 Python
《手把手教你》系列技巧篇(三十三)-java+ selenium自动化测试-单选和多选按钮操作-上篇(详解教程)
12 0
网络协议 Java 网络架构