Guarding Against CSRF Vulnerability in Redis

Redis 开源版,标准版 2GB
云数据库 Tair(兼容Redis),内存型 2GB
简介: What is Redis CSRF vulnerability and how can we guarantee the security of Redis?


Abstract: What is Redis CSRF vulnerability and how can we guarantee the security of Redis? Redis's CSRF vulnerability was exposed in February 2017, and the author of Redis has fixed the vulnerability in the latest release of Redis 3.2.7. This article briefly introduces the concept of CSRF vulnerability and the best practices to keep Redis instances secure.

What is CSRF?

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF), also known as "One Click Attack" or "Session Riding", is a form of malicious website use.


The figure above shows a simple model of CSRF attacks. A user visits the malicious website Web B, which returns an HTTP message to the user asking the user to visit website Web A. If the user has set Web A as a trusted site, the access request will be executed as if the user sent the request on his/her own.

Redis CSRF Attack Model


Based on the principle of CSRF above, malicious websites may make a user send an HTTP request to Redis. Because Redis supports text protocols, and will not break off the connection in the case of illegal protocols during protocol resolution, the attacker can then add a Redis command after the normal HTTP request to execute the command on Redis. If the user and Redis do not use a password for verification, the Redis command will then be executed normally. The attacker can then encrypt data to extort money, just like the MongoDB ransom incident in January 2017.

Repairing the Kernel

The author of Redis fixed the problem in Redis v3.2.7, implementing special processing for the POST and Host: keywords, logging the events, and disconnecting to avoid execution of subsequent legal requests to Redis.

Redis Security Risks

Earlier, Redis exposed a security vulnerability that hackers may get the root permission of Redis services under certain conditions. The causes of these security vulnerabilities can be primarily attributed to users' lack of use and understanding of Redis's security mechanisms, as well as lack of Redis O&M experience. In comparison, Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis provides more secure solutions for your on-cloud Redis services.

ApsaraDB for Redis Security Code

Intranet access to avoid Internet access

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis only provides trusted intranet access. You cannot access Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis via the Internet.

Physical network isolation

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis's physical network and user network are physically isolated. Users' virtual machines are not allowed to directly access the backend physical machine network.

VPC network isolation

If you are an Alibaba Cloud user using the VPC network, only the services in the same VPC are inter-accessible.


Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis supports whitelist settings. The feature is currently not available in the console yet. With this feature, you can set a whitelist for allowed users directly using the console.

Password access

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis enforces password authentication for instances in the classic network. You are recommended to set a complex password to prevent it from being cracked.

Access permission isolation

Each backend instance of Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis is isolated in the ACL and accessible directory. Each instance is only allowed to access the path of its own instance so that inter-instance interference can be avoided.

Disabling dangerous commands

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis disables some dangerous system management commands such as "config" and "save". If you want to modify this parameter, you need to pass the secondary authentication in the console. This also avoids direct operations on the backend configuration files and management commands.

Security monitoring

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis has a complete security monitoring system for physical machines. It regularly scans and updates the security monitoring policies to discover security risks as soon as possible.

Redis cluster password

Native Redis 3.0 cluster version does not support password verification. Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis cluster version supports password verification, which improves security.

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Redis突然报错 NOAUTH Authentication required
2016年年底有个项目需要用到redis,当时比较忙没有在新机器安装redis,就把我博客那台服务器上的redis地址给了技术的同事。第二天开发的同事告诉我redis连不上了,提示NOAUTH Authentication required,看了redis配置文件并没有设置密码,而且前一天使用的时候正常,我这台服务器也不会有人动。当时并没有深入分析,重启了redis后可以正常使用了。
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Redis突然报错 NOAUTH Authentication required
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Redis 默认情况下,会绑定在的6379端口上,如果没有设置相关的策略和安全配置,会将 Redis 服务直接暴露在公网上,在没有设置密码认证的情况下,会导致攻击者可以未授权访问 Redis服务读取、甚至是修改 Redis 的数据
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13 redis未授权访问漏洞
13 redis未授权访问漏洞
默认情况下,当用户请求没有导致 Session 被修改时,框架都不会延长 Session 的有效期,但是在有些场景下,我们希望用户如果长时间都在访问我们的站点,则延长他们的 Session 有效期,不让用户退出登录态。框架提供了一个 renew 配置项用于实现此功能,它会在发现当用户 Session 的有效期仅剩下最大有效期一半的时候,重置 Session 的有效期。