

Quick BI连接数据源报“Communications link failure ...

问题描述 Quick BI连接数据源报错:Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago.The driver has not received any packets from the server 问题原因 用户为自建数据源连接时未...


以下 ALTER ROLE 命令向角色授予允许指定角色创建私有 database link 的特权:ALTER ROLE role_name WITH[CREATEDBLINK|CREATE DATABASE LINK]此命令的功能相当于:GRANT CREATE DATABASE LINK to role_name 使用以下命令可撤销特权:ALTER...


GRANT CREATE[PUBLIC]DATABASE LINK TO { username|groupname } GRANT DROP PUBLIC DATABASE LINK TO { username|groupname } GRANT EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY TO { username|groupname } 说明 GRANT 命令具有三种基本变化形式:一种授予对数据...


403 OperationDenied The instance does not allow link to vpc.该实例已链接到其他 VPC。403 InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceIdAndVpcId The parameter InstanceId and VpcId are not allowed to be empty at the same time.至少指定...


}/*Connects to Link IoT Edge and publishes properties to it.*/connect(){ registerAndOnlineWithBackOffRetry(this._client,1).then(()=>{ return new Promise(()=>{/Publish properties to Link IoT Edge platform.const properties={...


type - Certificate Type. Value Range: Upload: Certificate. CAS: Certificate Authority Certificate. Free: Free Certificate. ssl_protocol - Whether to Enable SSL Certificate.Valid Values:on,off.cname-In Order to Link the CDN...


解决方案 您可以通过GetSymlink接口查看一个软链接请求指向的文件路径,比如:GET/link-to-link?symlink HTTP/1.1 Host: Date: Wed,02 Jan 2019 13:28:38 GMT Authorization:OSS qn6qrrqxo2oawuk...

出错提示“Upgrade requires links be relative”

本文主要介绍在Linux操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“Upgrade requires links in root directory to be relative”信息时的问题描述、问题原因及其解决方案。问题描述 在使用SMC操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“Upgrade requires ...


symlink-target 字段表明link-to-nothing文件指向的目标文件是file-not-exist文件,如果该Bucket中不存在名为file-not-exist的文件,对link-to-nothing调用HeadObject就会得到该错误,因此您需要确保您访问的软链接指向的目标文件存在。...


常见问题 报错提示 可能的原因 解决方式 Cluster changed from*to*,consumer require restart.DTS用于读取增量数据的模块DStore发生切换,导致Flink客户端的消费位点丢失。您无需重启客户端,仅需查询客户端的消费位点,并在 DtsExample....


常见问题 报错提示 可能的原因 解决方式 Cluster changed from*to*,consumer require restart.DTS用于读取增量数据的模块DStore发生切换,导致Flink客户端的消费位点丢失。您无需重启客户端,仅需查询客户端的消费位点,并在 DtsExample....


(Aliyun:OSS:Object)%><td><%link_to remove_prefix(object.key,@prefix),@bucket.object_url(object.key)%></td><td><%= object.type %></td><td><%number_to_human_size(object.size)%></td><td><%= object.last_modified.localtime.to_s%>...

Dataphin管道任务数据中有表情包时运行报“ERROR ...

All Task WaitReaderTime 0.224s|Percentage 100.00%2021-09-09 11:39:05.602[DlinkTrans-out_article]INFO DirtyRecordCheckThread-dirty record check thread begin to stop.2021-09-09 11:39:05.602[dirty_record_check_thread]INFO ...


示例 请求示例 GET/link-to-oss.jpg?symlink HTTP/1.1 Host: Date: Fri,24 Feb 2012 06:38:30 GMT Authorization:OSS qn6qrrqxo2oawuk53otf*:UNQDb7GapEgJCZkcde6OhZ9J*返回示例 ...


(Required,ForceNew)The region in which the destination bucket is located.transfer_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The link used to transfer data in data replication.Can be internal or oss_acc.Defaults to internal.NOTE:You can set ...


(Optional)Whether to enable link trace(you need to have Alibaba Cloud link tracking service.mesh_config-access_log The access_log supports the following:enabled-(Optional,Computed)Whether to enable access log.project-...


it is recommended to directly use the policy resource to manage your policy.Please refer to the link for usage resource_manager_policy.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tfexample"} resource"alicloud_...


Whether to enable link trace.outbound_traffic_policy-The policy of the Out to the traffic.include_ip_ranges-The IP ADDRESS range.access_log-The configuration of the access logging.enabled-Whether to enable of the access ...


submits device tag changes./edge/driver/${driver_id}/point_post:submits pass-through data from Link IoT Edge.${driver_id} specifies the ID of the driver that a device uses to access Link IoT Edge.${packageId}/${jobId}/ota/...


type-(Optional)IP Type:0:Automatic 1:IPv4 2:IPv6.is_open_trace-(Optional)Whether to enable link tracking.monitor_samples-(Optional)Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:0:No 1:Yes.trace_client_type-...

Software License and Service Agreement

you may control smart terminals connected to Aliyun Link,a smart living IoT platform,and realize interaction between smart devices.The scope of the Service includes management of smart devices,interaction of scenarios,...


Creates or modifies an alarm contact.For information about alarm contact and how to use it,see What is alarm contact.->NOTE:Available since v1.99.0.Example Usage Basic Usage#You need to activate the link before you can ...

集成HarmonyOS NEXT播放器SDK

成功结果通过{@link OnPreparedListener}回调,或者失败{@link OnErrorListener}*/*Prepare the player.Call {@link OnPreparedListener} to return success messages.Call {@link OnErrorListener} to return error messages.*/prepare:()...


MQTT消息开始基于TLS通道进行加密传输(“Start to use itls to encrypt message buffer”)查看到期时间:登录 IoT设备身份认证 控制台,在左侧导航栏,选择物 联网身份>设备身份认证,查看 设备状态 为正常,到期时间 为免费试用的到期...


[MPC Logger]tenant link,记录建联,settings 信息-><appender name="MPC-TENANT-LINK-APPENDER"class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender">${log_root}/mpaaschannel/tenant-link.log"/><param name="append" value="true"/><param...



Ark 事件机制

事件监听器 实现统一的事件监听器接口:public interface EventHandler extends PriorityOrdered{/*Called by the {@link EventAdminService} service to notify the listener of an*event.*@param event The event that occurred.*/void ...


multiplier - (Optional)Detection time multiplier that recipient allows the sender to send a message of the maximum allowable connections for the number of packets,used to detect whether the link normal.Value:3~10.enable_...


used to detect whether the link normal.Value:3~10.ecc_id-High Speed Migration Service Instance Id.enable_ipv6-Whether to Enable ID of the Virtual Border Router.local_gateway_ip-Alibaba Cloud-Connected IPv4 ...


语法 CREATE[PUBLIC]DATABASE LINK<name>CONNECT TO { CURRENT_USER|<username>IDENTIFIED BY"<password>"} USING {(<fdw_connection_string)|'<oracle_connection_string>' } 参数说明 参数 说明 PUBLIC 创建任何用户都可以使用的公共数据...


Provides a Private Link Vpc Endpoint resource.For information about Private Link Vpc Endpoint and how to use it,see What is Vpc Endpoint.->NOTE:Available since v1.109.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf...


The maximum number of attempts allowed to send the email verification link is exceeded 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"E2A8A5EF-DF8A-4C48-8FD4-9F6BD71AB26D","ExistList":[{"Email":"","Code":...


The maximum number of attempts allowed to send the email verification link is exceeded.Email string 验证邮箱。 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"0EA54E99-DB48-4CE3-A099-6ED8E451B8AC","SuccessList":...


(Optional)The synchronization direction.Valid values:Forward,Reverse.When the topology type of the data synchronization instance is bidirectional,it can be passed in to reverse to start the reverse synchronization link....


Provides a Private Link Vpc Endpoint Service resource.For information about Private Link Vpc Endpoint Service and how to use it,see What is Vpc Endpoint Service.->NOTE:Available since v1.109.0.Example Usage Basic Usage ...


Provides a Private Link Vpc Endpoint Connection resource.vpc endpoint connection.For information about Private Link Vpc Endpoint Connection and how to use it,see What is Vpc Endpoint Connection.->NOTE:Available since v1....


Provides a Private Link Vpc Endpoint Zone resource.For information about Private Link Vpc Endpoint Zone and how to use it,see What is Vpc Endpoint Zone.->NOTE:Available since v1.111.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable...


link_id+){ if(g_link[link_id].fd>=0){ continue;} else { g_link[link_id].fd=c->fd;break;} }./*拼接AT命令*/snprintf(cmd,START_CMD_LEN,"%s=d,%s,%s,%d",START_CMD,link_id,start_cmd_type_str[c->type],c->addr,c->r_port);发送AT...


诊断 500 FailedToCreateMountTarget Failed to create mount target-诊断 500 FailedToDescribeMountTargets Failed to describe mount targets-诊断 500 FailedToDeleteMountTarget Failed to delete mount target-诊断 500 FailedToCr...


Provides a Private Link Vpc Endpoint Service User resource.Endpoint service user whitelist.For information about Private Link Vpc Endpoint Service User and how to use it,see What is Vpc Endpoint Service User.->NOTE:...
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