access the type application is not api



诊断 400 InvalidStrategyConfig.ChargeTypeNotSupported The charge type is not supported for the given strategy.指定的策略不支持该付费类型。诊断 400 InvalidRegionBind.NotFound The AppRegionBind is not found.找不到参数...


InvalidType 400 The specified parameter Type is not valid.无效的参数Type。InvalidProductId 400 The specified parameter ProductId is not valid.无效的参数ProductId。InvalidPicName 400 The specified parameter PicName is not ...


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 400 CanNotModifyIndustry The industry information of the instance cannot be modified....诊断 400 UnsupportedRefundType The refund type is not supported.不支持的退款类型。诊断


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...

Access ...access key is not allowed to call...

问题描述 Quick BI中调用OpenAPI报错:{"RequestId":"*-*-*-*-*","HostId":"quickbi-public.*","Code":"Access.Forbidden","Message":"Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only ...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotAuthorized The user is not authorized for the specified API.此API未对该调用者进行授权。400 BindMirrorInstanceError Charged ...


调用接口被限流 ModelCenter.NotFoundConfig The configuration information of the model type is not found.未找到模型类型配置信息 40013 An error occurred while authenticating the model.模型鉴权失败 ModelCenter.NoPermission You...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotAuthorized The user is not authorized for the specified API.此API未对该调用者进行授权。400 BindMirrorInstanceError Charged ...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotApplicable You are not authorized to call the API operation.Please check whether the caller site matches the API domain ...

ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-The task is not in ...

本文为您介绍 ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-The task is not in release range:Merge 的报错原因及处理方法。问题现象 在您使用MaxCompute过程中,当您尝试执行下面的SQL语句来合并小文件:set odps.merge.cross.paths=true;set odps.merge....


version-(Optional,ForceNew)The IP Version of access control list is the type of its entry(IP addresses or CIDR blocks).It values ipv4/ipv6.Our plugin provides a default ip_version:"ipv4".entry_list-(Deprecated from v1.162....


403 OperationDenied The type of the disk does not support the operation.此磁盘种类不支持指定的操作。403 OperationDenied The status of the disk or the instance that the disk is attaching with does not support the operation....


无效的标签值 400 MissingParam%s-400 InvalidInstanceType.NotFound The instance type is not found 实例类型没有找到 400 InvalidInstanceIds.NotFound The instanceIds are not found 实例ID没有找到 400 Forbidden.TagKeys The ...


400 OSType.ValueNotSupported The OS type is not supported.-400 InvalidHostPassword.Malformed The specified parameter"Password"is not valid.-400 InvalidHostName.Malformed The specified parameter"HostName"is not valid.-400 ...


400 InvalidSecurityGroup.InvalidNetworkType The specified security group network type is not support this operation,please check the security group network types.For VPC security groups,ClassicLink must be enabled....


400 InvalidSecurityGroup.InvalidNetworkType The specified security group network type is not support this operation,please check the security group network types.For VPC security groups,ClassicLink must be enabled....


过滤条件设置错误 诊断 400 InstanceType.NotSupport The type of instance is not support.该网络实例的类型不支持 诊断 409 InstanceStatus.NotSupport The status of instance is not support.该网络实例的状态不支持 诊断 500 ...


MissingParameter The parameter““is needed but no provided.400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter“Action or Version”is not valid.400 InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our ...


400 NATGATEWAY_FINANCIALLOCKED The NatGateway has expire,cannot do bind operation.-400 InvalidParameter.InstanceTypeNotSupport The specified instance type is not support.-400 QuotaExceeded.NumberOfTrafficEip The number of ...
< 1 2 3 4 ... 200 >
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